Nathan placed his hand firmly on her shoulder, "Nakshathra, are you alright? You look lost. Is there something you think you can share with us?" he asked, his brows dipped in concern. "Tell me who is disturbing you and I shall chop off their limbs!" Nathan pulled out a sword from its stand, trying to dramatically cheer his sister.

"Nathu, you don't need to cut anyone. Come sit," said Nakshathra and pulled him back to the chair next to her.

"Then, does your trouble relate to the story you told Parthi?" enquired Nakul, cutting the chase.

The smile on her face instantly dropped, she gave Parthiban a sideways glance.

"It was a great story, I had to share. Plus, it did give me some hints," responded Parthiban with a shrug. "Tell us, who gave you the thought that marriage between two kingdoms would set everything right?" He asked sternly, directing the question without beating about the bush.

She did not come here with the idea of disclosing any of her thoughts to them but looking at her brothers, she knew she had no choice. She contemplated again, should I or should I not? Nakshathra observed the scrutinising gaze of her brothers again. "What if I don't?" she challenged them.

"Do you think you have a choice? Come on, spill it now," said Nathan as he playfully pulled her braided hair.

"Hey don't touch her hair. That's under my care," Parthiban ordered and caressed his sister's head. The second brother of the princess always had a thing for her hair and it was partially due to his care for her hair that it has grown quite lusciously.

Snatching her hair from Nathan's grip, she playfully slapped his arm and slouched back on the chair. "Fine but I'll not mention any name."

"That's alright, if we are sharp enough, we would know who it is," said Nakul maintaining his tough façade.

"Really?" Nakshathra narrowed her eyebrows teasing the ability of her brothers.

"Nathan, get the cane for me," ordered Nakul pretending to scare Nakshathra if she tries to get away from disclosing the matter.

"All right, no need for the cane. You don't need to threaten me. I'll tell you." She quickly stopped Nathan and she begin.

"There was this someone, told me that our people are suffering with losses because of the vendetta between the two kingdoms. They said we royals do not lose anything but the poor helpless people lose everything. In order to stop Durja from kidnapping our people, they suggested two choices. One to earn trust and get the people back or bind in marriage alliance, that way Durja will be able to return all our people back to their families."

"I don't know what to do, I was confused. So, I made up the story to get some idea. Parthi only added more stress and confusion than I already had. He made things worse for me. I really don't know what to do. I feel the burden to save the people is on me and it's weighing me down. So, I was thinking perhaps, I should go out and find the families and help them out instead of feeling down and helpless."

The silence from all three of her brothers frightened her, she instantly regretted telling them about it. She wondered which part angered them, the marriage or her wishing to go out. Either one, their lengthening silence threatened her more than anything.

"You want to go out and find them?" Nakul's voice fell on her ears like asking for a confirmation instead of anger.

She looked up to meet her big brother's soft gaze. He wasn't angry, none of them were. "You are not angry?" she asked.

"Why would I or any of us be angry with you?" asked Nakul. "I am rather happy to know you want to go somewhere and do something. For the twenty-one years of knowing you, you have never wanted to go anywhere out of Sikva or do anything for anyone. It's good to know that you want to play your part being the royal child."

Dhruva Nakshathra - The Game of Alliance ✔Where stories live. Discover now