"I admire your Confidence Pilot. Even so, minimal casualties may be enough to prevent us from succeeding." Plo koon said.

"Master Plo is right, with Grievous on the bridge, there's a good chance it's heavily protected." Ahsoka said.

"Don't worry, we'll destroy the bridge, with Grievous. With him dead, the war will end all that much faster." Anakain said.

-a bit later-

"General, we have confirmed reports that medical transports have been lost near the Ryndellia system." a clone said.

"Isn't that near a medical station?" Anakin asked.

"That is correct general. The transports were on Route to the medical station in the Ryndellia system." The clone said.

"They need to be informed, let's just hope that we can destroy the bridge before they attack the station." Anakin said.

The Imperial Pilots and Tilly got in the V-19 Torrents, and took off. Each hooked to a Hyper-space ring, and each began to fly in formation. Anakin and the clones made up Shadow Squadron, while Tilly and her Pilots made up Imperial Squadron.

"Let's see what you think of Hyperspace. Follow my lead, we're taking a short cut, coordinates are preset, jump one is ready." Anakin said.

The group took off, and entered hyper space, before reaching a nebula minutes later. Imperial Squad was still in formation, following Shadow Squadron.

"Flying through a nebula? Well, if we can reach the enemy before they can take out their target, than it's a risk worth taking." Tilly said.

Shadow squadron and Imperial Squadron flew for some time, floowing less by scanners, and more by the engine lights of the ships ahead of them before someone asked about the route. 

"It was a smuggler route the pilots talked about on Tattooine, they called it "the Balmorra Run"." Anakin said.

 Plo Koon suddenly spoke with some fear, how it was a nesting ground of Neebray Mantas. Scanners picked up objects, before from the dust, large beasts could be seen. Dozens of mantas flew into view.

The squadrons took evasive action, moving through the large creatures, avoiding them. Eventually, after some careful movement and close calls, the squadrons were able to escape the nebula, and were clear to make a second jump. 

"Now that was exciting. Alright, prepare Hyperspace Coordinates #2, if I'm correct, we'll beat that super weapon before it gets to the Medical Station" Anakin said, smiling.

The Squadrons would enter and exit hyperspace, seeing the medical station still there in the distance, loading medical transport ships, as they attempt to evacuate the station. Sensors picked up a new signal, a large ship leaving hyperspace. Suddenly, the Malevolence, as it was codenamed appeared, facing away from the squadrons, but were much further ahead.

"Attack formation, Fighters up front, we heading in to attack. Protect the Emperor!" Tilly ordered, as Imperial Squadron flew ahead, into action. 

"FOR THE EMPEROR!" Imperial Squardron shouted.

Anakin would groan as he heard this.

The fighters moved to the front, before they noticed, the Malevolence was turning, slowly. They also had launched droid fighters. 

"Imperial Squadron, clear a path, hold back on explosives, we are saving those." Anakin ordered.

"Of course our Emperor!" the imperials said, as they engaged the droids, firing destroying a few, making a pathway for Shadow Squadron.

The Squadrons began to fire at the approaching fighters, trying to cut through them, but it seemed near unending in how many there were. They saw however, the Malevolence was preparing to fire the Ion weapon.

"Get out of the weapon's way!" Anakin ordered.

The Squadrons all started to break away from the combat zones, flying towards the edge of the ring. 

"Give her everything you got!" Anakin ordered.

A Y-wing's engine caught fire and began to fly erratically, before crashing into another Y wing, and catching a V-19 in the crash.

The Ships pulled out of their climb, many barely making it, the Shadow Squadron loosing 5, while Avenger loosing 3.

"We are moving in on attack run. Imperial Squadron, move to back of formation, and wait for missile lock on target" Anakin said.

The Torrents and Y-wings dove down, flying between gun tower lanes, approaching the bridge through heavy flak. 2 more Y wings were shot down, along with 2 Torrents.

"STAY ON TARGET!" Tilly shouted, as one of the torrents next to her was blown up.

"Changing target. We are going for the Starboard Ion Cannon. 

Pull off attack Imperial Squad, would fire the missiles, the cannon would be damaged.  Anakin and Shadow Squadron, would pull away, seeing the cannon still charging. Suddenly the ship shook, as the Ion cannon backfired, causing the entire ship to shake side to side as both ends of the Ion cannon black fired. 

"Good work Shadow Squadron, Good work Imperial Squadron." Anakin said.

"We are not worthy of praise Emperor. We would die for you if you requested it." Tilly said.

Suddenly, from behind, 3 Republic Venators arrived, and from the flank, arrived 1 Battle barge, the Lords of Iron Battle Barge, the Iron Defender, and 2 Light cruisers and 4 frigates entered, closing in on the Malevolence. Turbo laser and Lance batteries fired on the ship's engines.

Imperial Squadron turned and flew towards the Imperial fleet. 

"I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling about that." Ahsoka said, watching at the Torrents flying into the distance.

"Yeah.....I wonder why they thought I was the emperor." Anakin said.

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