Start from the beginning

"Was it my fault?" I asked confused.

"I think they were our negative energies mixed," Ruby answered sighing wearily. "Take Morgan in your arms while I clean this mess, I don't want her to cut her paw..."

Finally, we managed to talk like reasonable human beings and keep other glassware pieces intact. Ruby decided to accept a small amount of money to pay for food and other expenses every month, it's less money than the rent I used to pay for my old studio apartment which means I can afford buying lot of clothes today, but it makes me feel better knowing that I'm contributing to this relationship somehow and she's understood it. I think we've managed to overcome our first lovers' quarrel successfully. We said goodbye with a kiss when Ivy came to pick me up and Ruby went to her agent's office, we'll all have dinner in Aletta's office tonight to talk about the details of our trip to New Orleans.

"Ivy, wait a second..." I mumble confused and my sister stops, staring at me with caution. "Don't you feel that?"

"What? Do you feel sick? Is it the hunter?" the florist whispers taking a look around to make sure no one is listening.

"No, I don't think so, I don't know... It's coming from there..." I explain quietly pointing at a shop displaying antique porcelain objects and vintage clothes, there're also small pieces of furniture, trunks, lamps, paintings... We both get closer cautiously and the feeling gets stronger. "It feels like a beating, like a pulsing energy... Does it make sense to you?"

"Look at that, Iselen... those are stones with carved runes... And those books, the cup, a knife, the old pocket watch and a bronze key, candles, quartz and moonstone crystals, holy sticks... There's a mortar, a compass and bronze bowls... This is the equipment of a sister... These crystal bottles coming from an old 19th century apothecary's shop full of dry herbs are really beautiful..."

"Do you mean all this belonged to a witch?" Ivy nods while taking a closer look at the objects displayed on different tables, it's pretty obvious that the shop owner doesn't know what they are and he's scattered them around in no particular order.

"You felt her power, the remains of her energy that's still attached to these possessions, she must've been a powerful sister... Or maybe she died not long ago and her friends and family sold the equipment without knowing what it was, actually. It's a shame, witches leave these things to other sisters usually but it's not always possible... Do not touch it!" I pull my hand away with an abrupt movement, looking at her scared, I was about touching a silver moon pedant. "I feel positive energy, I don't think this witch practiced black magic, but we don't know what kinds of spells were linked to these objects... We better don't touch anything till we know what we're dealing with here. I'll call Ruby so she can come with the members of the coven..."

"Will she find out what we can touch or not?" I ask bewildered while Ivy takes her phone.

"Our High Priestess has studied a lot and her knowledge is vast but, in addition to that, when we're together our sensitivity is higher along with our powers and we'd be able to choose which stuff we keep and what objects we should buy because they'd be dangerous if they fall into the wrong hands."


"You've made an amazing discovery, girls, congratulations." Thyra puts some bags on the coffee table in front of the garden on a wall made of live moss in Aletta's office, our sisters follow her carrying more stuff they leave on the leather couches and the floor.

"To be honest, it was Iselen the one who found the shop, I only felt the energy when she showed me this equipment. You know what? I think your inner hunter makes you extra sensitive to the presence of magic and we were really lucky today thanks to you." Ivy flops down on a chair while Lester pours drinks for us and Aletta and Louisa order some pizzas to Lombardi's while Diana Siena sleeps in her stroller ignoring the noise as usual.

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