A Royal Meeting, and Infidelity

Start from the beginning


They hadn't laid eyes on the boy for a good three days. Hanji had tried tracking the pendant which had a gps device but was unable to. When the auburn haired person had announced that they couldn't find Eren with the tracking program Levi had lost it. He had charged out of the mansion and to his bike. Luckily Erwin had been ready for this reaction and had charged the raven and knocked him to the ground before he could Mount the black harley. The two ended up in a fierce fight that had to be broken up by Zeke and Kenny. Both leaders were pissed at the two and decided to take it out on them physically as well. By the time Kuchel had gotten to them they were all four a bloody mess and getting their asses handed to them by the Queen.

Luckily shortly after that Zeke had heard from his 'undercover agent'. The news wasn't the greatest by no means. There had been damage done to Eren, but not as bad as it could have been. The agent had promised to protect Eren until the meeting was set up. Apparently Dhalis was planning a meeting for the two families. What about though, no one knew, not even the agent. Levi wanted to be there to protect his Princess, but had to admit he was thankful someone was there to protect him in his absence. But there was still that nagging thought in the back of his brain that he had failed. That he had let this happen and now someone else was taking care of Eren. That the person could possibly take Eren away now. That thought scared him most of all.

The clicking of a lock from the other end of the room brought everyone out of their thoughts. They each sat a little straighter, their fingers twitching towards where their guns should be, but weren't. Each of them were instructed to place their pistols and other weapons in the middle of the table when they had first showed up. Then a 'maid' had come in and unloaded all the ammo and checked each of them for anything hidden. Once that had been done the maid had left stating ' Premier Zachary , will be right with you'. Apparently he had chose now to make his presence known.

A hidden oak door swung open from the back of the room and in stepped the gray haired man, but he wasn't alone. Zeke quietly growled and glared at the man who walked in dragging a still filthy Carla. Fucking Grisha Yeager of all people, he shouldn't have been surprised.

Levi's eyes narrowed at the brown haired man that was once presumed to be Erens father, and was Zekes. He looked like one of the feral sewer rats you found in an ally every now and then that would attack any and everything to get what it wanted. But what pissed Levi off the most was the woman that obviously needed care and none of them had done anything. Before he could say or do anything he heard a snap of fingers.

" MadS , attend to Carlas wounds. Obviously her sorry excuse of a husband is incompetent." The Queen said dryly. Hanji stepped towards the pair but stopped when Grisha jerked the woman away.

" Stay the hell back." He spat. Hanji bared their teeth then pushed the man away before dragging the woman over to a vacant chair and began tending to her.

" What the fuck! Premier Zachary?!" The man yelled in question. Dhalis lit a cigarette and shrugged his shoulders and he went and sat at the head of the table.

" Rule 12, of the Neutral families charter: If a woman or child is injured they shall be attended to immediately by any doctor in the area." He said without care as he sat down, his eyes roaming over the group of people in front of him. His eyes stopped on the man across from him. His lips formed into a crooked almost insane grin.

" Hello Emperor, how's the family been? Heard there's been some turmoil." His eyes dancing in amusement as Zekes body tensed up slightly.

" Cut the shit Primer. What do you want and where's the Princess." Zeke growled as he sat back in his chair. Yelena lit a cigar for the man and passed it to him to puff on to help his nerves.

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