Chapter 20 - I Was Hoping You Would Come With Me

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"Hear me out first" lauren held her hands up in defense when camila and dinah yelled at her after she told them what maddie was doing.

"Not stupid at all, huh?" Normani gave her a 'wtf' look before shaking her head "I'll be in the livingroom"

"Oh no you wont. You as responsible at Lauren is in this situation" dinah gave her a warning look.

Normani raised her hands in defense and back up a little "okay, okay"

"Lauren you told me she wasn't getting in the car to drive"

"Normani let her" lauren sighed when camila spoke.

Normani shook her head "no I didn't. We got out of the car and I sat down. She took the keys and jumped in. It's not my fault"

Camila pinched the bridge of her nose "fine! Fine. At least she wasn't going fast right? Maybe like...60mph?"

Normani and lauren looked at each other and slowly nodded "yeah she slowed down afterwards" normani spoke

Camila took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Its fine. Dinah and I- we can talk to her"

"Your not mad at me are you?" Lauren scratched the back if her neck nervously.

"Us. Not you, us" normani pointed at herself too.

Dinah crossed her arms over her chest shaking her head "no...I mean sorta yes."

"Camz?" Lauren called slowly stepping closer to the younger woman.

Camila looked at her and watched her curious as she came closer "hm?"

"I wont take her out again if you dont want me to. I don't want you to hate me-"

"I don't hate you, lauren"

"Oh... the full name card" normani said in a whisper making everyone turn to her "she's mad"

"Normani, I'm not... okay fine im sorta mad at both of you but I can't hate you Lauren. Even if I tried I wouldn't be able to" Camila rolled her eyes letting smile pass her lips

Normani narrowed her eyes and put a hand up to her heart "so you hate me?" She asked obviously as a joke.

Camila rolled her eyes "I don't hate you, mani bear."

"Score!" Normani fist pump the air about to high five lauren only getting a glare from her bestfriend. "Oop.."

"Thank you... for taking maddie out today" dinah sighed smiling at the two women, she glanced at camila before talking again "that's the only thing she's been talk about to Alejandro about all week"

"Ohh" normani and lauren said nodded.

"Fair enough. We're the cooler adults in this room anyways" lauren mumbled shrugged her shoulder. She earn a laugh from her friend blunt earn two glares.

"Lauren Jauregui I think it's time for you to get some food" dinah narrowed her eyes when lauren scoffed at her.

"What? Why?"

"I'd rather you easy my anger with food rather than a punch" dinah said emotionless.

Normani's mouth made an 'o' shape as she let out a "ohhh" in a small whisper.

Lauren opened her mouth and pointed to dinah but closed it quick before clicking her tongue "good point. So sushi?"

"In-n-out" dinah spoke.

Lauren narrowed her eyes, the only in-n-out around her was almost two hours away plus traffic. "How about dinner a restaurant? Everyone gets what they want, deal?"

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