Chapter 24: Blame

Start from the beginning

"Sal I know you're hiding something. Whatever it is you can tell me, I don't want us keeping secrets..." I smile and try to reassure him.

"Riv, the whole thing just really freaked me out. I know I'm pretty good with dealing with this bullshit but seeing you, completely frozen with fear, your eyes going from their beautiful violet to the empty white really made me panic. There could be something deeper but I need to figure that out first before I go running my mouth and saying theories that may not be true. Can I just have a little bit of time to go through these thoughts before I share them please?" His voice was filled with sorrow and I knew he wasn't meaning to be blunt but my over emotional ass took it that way.

"Of course.. I don't want to pressure you..." I drop my head as I didn't want this to be us fighting, especially after making it official only a few hours ago.

"Oh no babe!" Sal realised what I had interrupted. "No I'm so sorry... I don't mean I don't want to tell you angel, it's just I need to figure out what's going on. I trust you with everything but I need to figure this out... it's something from my own past that I need to deal with first honestly!" His voice panicked.

"Hey..." I pull him in for a tight embrace, stroking his thick blue. "It's ok...I completely understand. You don't need to tell me twice's my silly ass for taking it the wrong way" I release him and flash him a small smile.

"Riv, I love you. I really love you. I just handle things slightly differently, please don't take it personally honestly. It'd kill me thinking you didn't think I trusted you..."

"No honestly I didn't mean to make you feel this way. I just want to do all I can to make you feel safe and keep you happy. Whenever you're ready, you know I'll be there waiting patiently, like I did before!" I smile and kiss a piece of exposed skin. "I love you blue"

"I love you too" his mask raising and his body language relaxing. "I need to get back and you need to get some sleep"

"So do you! Wanna come and sleep over? I know it's super late but you can always sneak out in the morning if you want? I'm sure your dad and my dad will completely understand due to our situation?"

"As much as I would adore tucking up next to you my love, I need to get back. I don't want to worry dad. How about tomorrow night?"

"Sounds perfect. I wonder what my dreams will be tonight after experiencing that whole next level of shit?" I chuckle trying to make the conversation light hearted.

"Well you have my number, can always text me if you need me beautiful" his voice soothes me and I instantly feel better.

"Goodnight blue"

"Goodnight Riv, I love you"

"I love you too" I give him one final hug before he turns and heads back to his apartment.

As I creep inside, I check the hallway once more as I always do and wave Sal inside. It's a small gesture that has now become a habit. I tip toe to the kitchen, grab my fresh water that I had poured a while ago now and head back to bed. Thankfully dad was such a deep sleeper, he wouldn't have even noticed I had disappeared for a while.

I crawl into my now cold bed, remove my socks and stretch myself out. Damn what an eventful couple of hours this had been. I couldn't believe what my body and mind was capable of experiencing, why had this never happened before? Stacey mentioned that I must have been in the wrong place, due to Nockfell being full of mysteries but damn didn't Michigan have any? Or was I too naive to see them in the first place?


Sal's POV:-

Man oh man, my head was killing me. The anxiety coursing through my veins was next level, but I couldn't have River seeing me that way. I had to be calm, I had to be calm for her and Larry. I couldn't have them thinking I was scared as I was now known to be the Ghost Hunter of Nockfell. I ran straight to the bathroom cabinet, grabbing my pill bottles and popping them open quickly. It had been some time now since I had taken my medication for anxiety but shit I needed it. I could feel my heart practically trying to escape out of my chest and this was one of the reasons I needed to come back to my apartment. Trust me, River could soothe me so well but I knew tonight I needed my meds. How could I have handed dealing with a dead body but this really freaked me out? Was it because River and I were now a couple and the thought of her being in pain and experiencing something so deep worried me? No.

When I asked River what Luke had said, the words repeated around my head.
For we are the devourers of god!
Something about the way she described Luke's emotions, or lack thereof, really was hitting me in a way I didn't understand. The demonic tone of voice, the robotic chanting and the aggression really worried me. But what the fuck was it for?

I head back to my bedroom, removing my now sweat filled t-shirt and put on a pair of gym shorts for bed. I unbuckled my mask, removed my glass eye putting it in its usual glass of distilled water and climbed into bed. Gizmo was sleeping peacefully at the bottom, making small stirs that it instantly made me relax. I give him a small stroke; his body stretching in comfort before he cuddled back up into a small ball and went swiftly back to sleep. I laid there on my back, staring at the ceiling waiting for sleep to arrive. I hated nights like this, waiting for the sleep fairy to arrive but sometimes never coming. I've lost days, weeks and potentially even months of sleep due to my insomnia and night terrors. I wouldn't pray this on my worst enemy, I wouldn't even pray this torment on Travis Phelps for fuck sake.

I roll over and check my phone, the time now approaching nearly 3am. Oh good the witching hour that's all I needed. I closed my eyes and waited. And waited. And waited.


Mom?! Mommy, look at the doggy! Mom can I go and pet it please!?
Sal darling just wait a moment, your father will be here soon and we can go and pet the dog together..
But mom I want to pet the dog now! Please!
*chuckles* alright Sal, let me grab my purse and we'll go and pet the doggy...
Thanks Mommy! I'm going to go and start walking there now!
Sal wait! Don't go running off sweetie!
Come catch me mommy! *chuckles* Listen mommy! The doggy is barking louder it wants me to pet it...
Sal darling just wait a moment please, don't run off!
Aw what a pretty doggy... wait a minute... you're not a doggy...



*screams* MOMMY NO. *gunshot*

The pain, my face... red, all I see is red.. oh my god it hurts... mommy! Mommy! Please wake up! Mommy please wake up! Somebody help! Help please! My mommy is hurt please someone help!




I wake up screaming, I'm covered in a pool of sweat, I grab my face and feel my body tremble as I remember where I heard the words. The words that fateful day. I feel my chest, it's beating at a thousand miles an hour, my breathing becomes difficult as the weight on my lungs become unbearable.

"Son! Sal!" I heard my Dad calling before he comes bursting into my bedroom. "I'm here! What's happened!?" My dad turns on the light and comes rushing over.

" was all my fault... it was all my fault..." I begin to sob, hyperventilating and struggling to breathe.

"Sal, I've got you..." dad comes rushing over and cradles me in his arms. "I've got you son, no one is going to hurt you... no one's here but me and you. It was just a nightmare son... breathe with me now, copy my breathes and we'll calm down together ok? Ready?"

I try my best to mimic my dad's breathing, I hold him tight as I bury my bare face into his t-shirt. I can feel the damp beginning to spread as my sobs continue and my heart races. I hadn't had this nightmare in years, I hadn't dreamed of what happened in that day in the park all those years ago. I hadn't dreamed of my mother's screams before she was shot straight in the stomach trying to protect me. I had forgotten the pain in my face as the bullet went straight through my mother's stomach and made connection with my skin, destroying it in the process.

It was my fault, it was all my fault. Mom, I'm so sorry. It was all my fault.

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