Chapter 46 - End and Beginning

Comincia dall'inizio

All of a sudden all worry left Yunho's body and he only heard one sentence over and over again in his mind. I decide who I love. "You love me?" 

Rory let go of his hand but Yunho immediately held onto it again, pulling her onto his lap. At first Rory tried to hide her face but there was no running away anymore. With shaking fingers Rory played with her blouse. "Yes. I do." 

As soon as he heard these words, Yunho tightened his grip around her waist and placed a soft kiss onto her lips. Rory fell back onto her bed sheets, pulling Yunho with her, deepening the kiss. Their lips broke apart when they had to catch their breath. 

"I don't know what the hell you've done so I fell for you so hard-", Yunho whispered, still out of breath. "But there's one thing I'm sure about." 

"What?", Rory mouthed, not trusting her voice, her hands around his neck. 

"That I love you too." 

"M'Lady.", Yunho said, smiling brightly as he offered Rory his arm which she gladly took. 

"Where did you take me?", Rory asked, trying to hide her blushing cheeks but of course Yunho had already seen it. Yunho lead Rory up a hill and watched her face light up in excitement when she saw what he had prepared. 

"A picnic?", she yelled happily and ran up to the blanket, where various boxes were already laying around. But then Rory looked up and gasped. "Where are we?" 

Yunho sat down next to her, a proud smile on his face. "I always went here as a kid when I was sad. The view of the town and mountains made it impossible for me to stay furious and nature always cheered me up." 

Embarrassed he looked away but Rory placed her hand onto his chin and turned it to her, so he had to face her. "Thank you for showing this to me. It means a lot." 

"I thought about where to take you and a restaurant seemed too boring, so I thought this would be nice." 

"Nice? It's wonderful.", Rory said. "When did you have time to prepare this? Please tell me you didn't cook yourself. I love you, but your cooking skills are as bad as our ability to not light up an apron." 

Yunho chuckled, not able to get mad at her. She was telling the truth, though. "I asked Woo for help, who asked Seonghwa, who asked Hongjoong-" 

"All the boys did this?", Rory asked shocked and touched at the same time. 

"At one point they all were at our place and tried to give me dating advice. Ahh, I love them." 

"What did they tell you?" 

"San suggested I should take candle lights with me to make it more romantic. Jongho said I should sing you something but I know I'm gonna fail since I can't stay serious around you." 

"I'm sure your voice sounds beautiful, though.", Rory said, wondering what his singing voice would be like. Yunho grinned.

"One day, maybe. Seonghwa's advice was actually helpful. He told me to be a gentlemen all the time." 

"So they all shared their advice?" 

"Nahh, Mingi and Yeosang just came by to raid our refrigerator. At least I saved them.", Yunho answered and took of the lid of a smaller box, revealing strawberries. Rory already wanted to take one as he put them away. "Uh uh, they're for dessert." 

"You're mean." Rory pouted, making Yunho smile.

"Let's eat or Woo's gonna kill us." 

"You're scared of someone half your height?" 

Another Fairy Tale /AteezDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora