18| Trying to draw boundaries

Start from the beginning

"What? But I'm not..." Aria starts, but I cut her off right away.

"Save your lies for someone else! I'm sick of it! You're going to stay out of Zach's and my business from now on!"

With that, I turn around and rush towards the exit of the huge and packed mall. On my way out, I jostle quite a few people, but in my stage of rage I don't even notice. Once I am outside, I stop and take a deep breath, soaking in the cool air to soothe my heated mind.

All this shit wouldn't have happened if Zach hadn't told Aria that her idea of going shopping with me was great. Honestly, I need some time alone right now. Time away from Aria and her weird acting, but also time away from Zach from whom I feel kind of betrayed right now.

While aimlessly strolling through the streets, I spot a tiny pub where the lights are on. Without a second thought, I walk right in and look around. It's nearly empty, only a few elderly guys are scattered at the bar, quietly sitting in front of their ales. The pub looks very Irish with its dark wooden furniture and the whiskey barrels which are used as tables.

"Hey, pretty lady, what brings you here?" The barkeeper approaches me with a friendly smile and motions me to take a seat on an empty stool at the bar. "Can I get you something?"

I eye the middle-aged guy for a second. He has black, short hair, a well-groomed beard, and his arms are covered in tattoos. Considering the crinkles around his brown eyes, I would put his age at mid-forty.

"Three vodka shots, please," I mumble and give him a faint smile.

The barkeeper simply nods, and after a moment, the three shots are standing in front of me.

"Thanks." I chug them in one go and motion him to refill my glasses.

"Tough day?" he asks with a raised eyebrow as I down the next three shots without hesitating.

"Uh-huh," I mumble and lean my elbows on the bar, resting my chin in my palms. "I would rather say a fucking terrible day."

"You want to talk about it?" the barkeeper asks, filling up my glasses a third time.

"Nah, I'd rather forget about the whole shit for a moment." I guzzle down the next shot and screw up my face. "Ugh, I hate vodka!"

A light chuckle leaves the bartender's throat, causing me to look up.

"What's so funny?" I ask with a frown.

"If you hate vodka, then why do you drink it?" He points behind him at all the different bottles hanging on the wall. "We also have other drinks which help drowning your feelings, you know?"

"Yea, thanks, but I think I've had enough for now." I giggle and trail my finger over the rim of one of my glasses. "Can I ask you something...uh..."

"My name is Theo," the barkeeper informs me with a friendly smile. "Sure, go ahead."

"Okay, Theo, what would you do if your girlfriend had an ex who desperately tried to win her back and really, really is a pain in the ass?" I finish my sentence and attentively wait for him to answer my question.

"Well, first of all I'd tell him to leave my girlfriend alone, and second, I'd make sure that my girlfriend isn't interested in her ex anymore, and then I'd give her a decent taste of what she would miss if I were gone." He winks at me and grabs a dishtowel to dry the washed glasses. "Show your man what an amazing woman you are. I mean, if he doesn't see that already, he's a douche anyways."

Giggling shyly, I think about Theo's words and of the way I handled the situation with Aria so far. Just as I'm about to say something back, an all too familiar voice echoes in my ear.

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