Part 2, Chapter 44. Ark's Judgment

Start from the beginning

Kyla smiles. "There you go, always finding a way!"

A sudden blast of hot wind makes Slowbro look around, losing focus on Chaz. Chaz takes this opportunity to use Hurricane. Slowbro is quickly caught off guard, lifted off the ground and into the air.

Kyla watches happily.

Chaz then takes off, closing the distance between Slowbro and him quickly. Chaz uses a furry of Thunder Punches, landing every one. Slowbro is overwhelmed and parilized when Chaz finally grabs hold and throws it back into the sand.

Kyla chuckles as she sees the Slowbro buried face first in the sand. "Well, I can imagine Slowbro isn't going to be putting up much more of a fight!" She pulls out her Pokeball and throws it, capturing it quickly. "There we go! Good job, Chaz!"

Chaz lands on the beach with a gentle smile and softly grunts to Kyla.

Kyla nods. "You're right! We can't mope about, circumstances will not hold us back!"

Chaz chuckles slightly.

Kyla runs over to Chaz and gives him a hug. "You always know how to make me feel better!"

Chaz hugs her back before Kyla breaks the hug and picks up the Pokeball. 

"Welcome to our family, Slowbro!" Kyla says with a smile before putting it away.

Kyla turns around, she is quickly surprised to see Debra standing on the beach glaring at her.

"May.. I help you?" Kyla asks.

Debra points at her. "I heard a rumor that you interrogated Ark. Is that true?"

Kyla groans. "I can not give out information about ongoing investigations.." 'Or.. at least that is what David and Jordan said I should say.. now that I am part of the Pokemon League.." She thinks to herself.

Debra steps closer. "I want to know.. NOW!!"

Chaz glances at Kyla.

Kyla crosses her arms. "I can not tell you anything. Good day!" She says turning around. "Come on Chaz."

Debra advances quickly, putting her hand on Kyla's shoulder. "Don't ignore me!!"

Kyla turns quickly, twisting Debra's arm behind her back, and pins her to the sand. "Look, little girl, I am in a bad mood!!" Kyla growls. "The last thing you need to do is try to push me around!!"

Debra flinches in pain as Kyla twists her arm slightly more. "I have to say.. I was not expecting that."

"Get used to it! You will be surprised how unexpected things can be!" Kyla replies. "Now, I am going to let you go, you will then leave and await the Pokemon League's announcement. Understood?"

Debra nods.

Kyla releases her, turns, and continues on her way.

Debra watches for a moment before going in a different direction.

Kyla glances behind her. "Smart girl. I wouldn't have gone so easy the next time she pushed her luck." Kyla mutters to Chaz.

Chaz shrugs with a few grunts.

Kyla stops and looks out at the setting sun. "Yeah.. maybe we should.." Kyla then smirks. "I think it would be the perfect revenge on that little brat if Ark kicked her team's ass at the tournament!"

Chaz's tail beats the ground twice.

Kyla looks at him. "What do you think?"

Chaz nods confidently.

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