Part 2, Chapter 25. Fire & Ice

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As they walk, Raikou glances again at Blare's hand.

"How.. is your hand?" Raikou asks softly.

Blare looks down at her hand and then back up at him. "Light muscular damage, no nerve damage. It should heal quickly."

Raikou looks back towards where he is walking. "I am sorry I hurt you."

Blare smiles. "I think you should worry more about the phone you fried."

Raikou chuckles. "I will see to it you can buy another one, my master."

Raikou and Blare walk out into the clearing of ILEX Forest, followed by Kyla, Gardevior, and David.

Raikou and Blare walk out into the clearing of ILEX Forest, followed by Kyla, Gardevior, and David

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Raikou looks up at the sky and sniffs the air. He roars, sending shock waves through the air, forest, and ground. A few moments pass, after his echo subsides, then an answering roar comes from the north.

Raikou smiles. "There she is, my dearest sister."

With a rush of cold wind, Suicune glides out of the forest and lands lightly on her feet. She glances around and locks eyes with Raikou. "What's up, sabertooth?"

Raikou nods to the others. "I have some new friends that need your help."

Suicune turns and immediately locks eyes with Kyla. "What is it you need?"

Kyla looks back at her. "We are looking for Entei..."

Suicune begins to turn to walk away. "Not interested." She interupts.

Raikou leaps in front of her. "I told them you would help, you can't just turn and walk out on me!!!"

Suicune glares at him. "Just because you volunteered me doesn't automatically mean I consent."

Kyla sighs. "Oh well. Looks like we are getting the cold shoulder treatment." Kyla winks at David.

"Ho-Oh and Lugia will be very displeased." David says, getting the hint.

Suicune spits on the ground at the mention of their names. "Make sure to tell them I didn't care."

Kyla laughs. "For such an elegant Pokemon, you seem to be very vulgar."

Suicune turns slowly and stares at her again. "And you look like a weak little girl, but I imagine that is not the case either."

Raikou motions, behind Suicune's back, to Kyla to continue.

Kyla crosses her arms. "I am not surprised.. wild Pokemon are often uncouth."

Suicune seems angered by Kyla's words. She turns her head with a huff. "Humans, so quick to judge a book by its cover."

"Then prove me wrong." Kyla says with a smirk. "Battle me."

Suicune turns back with a chuckle. "And why should I do that, little girl?"

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