Chapter 2. Showdown

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Back in the forest, a battle is about to break out between Kyla and the man in the black cape. Chaz and Heracross are both extremely upset that this man had almost hit Kyla with a Pokeball.

"Heracross, leave this to us." Kyla says.

Heracross glares at the man as he walks back to the rock. 

"My name is Chad." The man says.

"I honestly don't care, at the moment. Remind me later." Kyla says angerly.

"One Pokemon and go then?" Chad asks.

"Shoulds good to me. Chaz!" Kyla orders.

Chaz steps up, still glaring angerly.

"Wow, if looks could kill, huh! ONIX!" Chad throws the Pokeball and an Onix pops out.

"Wow... Bad choice." Kyla scratches her head.

"Are you sure?" Chad asks.

"Positive." Kyla smiles, one hand on her hip. "Chaz, Dragon Rage."

The flame on Chaz's tail grows again and burns hot and bright.

"You have pissed Chaz off, it wouldn't matter what you brought out." Kyla points out.

"Onix, Rage." Chad orders.

Onix roars in response to Chaz. 

"Chaz, Iron Tail!" Kyla shouts.

The attack lands a direct hit, knocking Onix off balance.

"Dig!" Chad says.

"Chaz, Fly." Kyla says.

Onix digs underground and Chaz takes off into the air.

Chaz looks back at Kyla who nods at him with a smile.

Once Onix comes up, Chaz dives and grabs him.

"Now, Seismic Toss!" Kyla shouts.

Chaz spins Onix around and around and throws him back to the ground with an earth-shaking crash.

Onix seems very affected by this, barely able to stay upright.

"Rock Throw!" Chad orders.

Onix attempts to throw a few rocks at Chaz, but he dodges them gracefully in flight.

"Finishing move, Chaz, Hyper Beam!" Kyla orders.

"You have got to be kidding me!!!" Chad exclaims.

Chaz raises his head to the sky as he charges up a Hyper Beam and then lowers his head, blasting Onix. Onix is knocked unconscious by this attack.

Chad recalls Onix and turns dramatically. As he walks away he looks back. "Heracross is all your's."

Kyla and Chaz high five. 

Heracross slowly moves forward. "Hera... cross?"

Chaz roars.

Heracross seems overjoyed at this response.

Kyla holds out a Pokeball. "Ready to join our team?"

Heracross nods excitedly and touches the button, going inside.

"Another productive day." Kyla says to Chaz.

Chaz yawns widely.

"Ready to call it a day?" Kyla asks.

Chaz nods slowly. 

"Chikorita and I may get one more wild battle before I head home, but I promise I'll be safe." Kyla says.

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