Chapter 4. No "I" in Team

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The next morning Kyla leaps out of bed before her alarm goes off. She changes clothes to a pair of knee length shorts and a blue t-shirt. Unlike usual, she puts on her tennis shoes instead of her boots. As she heads out the door, she turns around and grabs her backpack and Pokeball belt.

"Sorry guys, I am just really excited." Kyla says.

One of the balls shake wildly, so Kyla opens it. Out pops Chikorita, dancing around happily.

"Want to take a run with me.... Say, I never gave you a nickname, did I?" Kyla asks. "Do you want one?"

Chikorita smiles and yelps. "CHIKA CHIKA!"

"Chika it is then." Kyla smiles. "Care to take a morning run with me?"

Chika dances around and then sits beside her.

"Alright, let's go!" Kyla cheers.

Kyla and Chika run at a steady pace, down the path, towards the clinic. As they pass through town, a few people wave. Although the island was primarily a tourist location, a lot of people actually live on the island. Most notably, Dan from the Poke-market, which they are currently in the process of going to see. As they get to the door, Kyla opens the door for Chika.

Dan turns, hearing the bell sound at the door. "Kyla! My favorite customer!" He smiles.

"Dan, you old flatter, how is business?" Kyla asks.

"Oh! It is fantastic, I was about to put in an order, hoping it would come in on the next boat. I am practically sold out of everything." He smiles wider than before.

"That is good to hear, but can you still supply me with my usual order?" Kyla asks.

"Not a problem. Since the government actually pays for it, I set your order aside from the main stock, just in case. I can't go losing my favorite customer, now can I?" Dan heads to the back.

"I would understand if you had to give a little of it to a child's Pokemon that was in need!" Kyla shouts to him.

Dan returns with a stack of Poke-tech kits. "How many do you need today?"

"Just the one, for now. If things get hairy I will send this little lady to get more." Kyla points to Chika.

"Oh!" Dan sets the kits on the counter and kneels down. "Aren't you such a beautiful Chikorita!"

Chika steps back a bit, not sure of this new person.

"It's ok, Chika, Dan is a long time friend. He wouldn't hurt a fly." Kyla smiles.

"Correction!" Dan turns to Chika. "I will not let that fly hurt any of you."

Chika smiles and brushes against Dan's hand as he pets her.

"So, if she ever comes a running, I will know there is trouble. Is that right?" Dan asks.

"Yes. Joy is leaving sometime next week, so I may have to man the Clinic for a while. Although Ivory has offered to sit in, in the case of an emergency, I am hoping it will not come to that." Kyla explains.

Dan stands and salutes. "You can count on me. Listen closely, Chika..." Dan orders.

Chika stops and looks attentive.

"If you need more than one kit for Kyla I want you to count off by saying 'Chik' as many times as you need numbers of kits. Can you do that for me?" Dan asks.

Chika nods.

"Ok, test time. How many kits do you need today?" Dan questions.

Chika thinks for a moment and then answers. "Chik." 

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