Part 2, Chapter 6. Search for Salvation.

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As everyone parts ways, working quickly to get things under control, a woman walks up to the observatory and looks around.

Blare gets Hitmonchan to the Clinic and makes him comfortable in a recovery room. Likewise, she checks on Dan, who is still on heavy pain killers.

Dan smiles as she walks into the room. "Hey Blare!"

Blare chuckles lightly. "Feeling okay, Dan?!"

Dan turns his nose up proudly. "My high school class use to call me Dan Tha Man! It will take more than some little brat to keep me down!" 

"I do not doubt any of that!" Blare chuckles as she looks over his progress.

Dan's expression changes from joyful to serious. "So how is Jack doing?"

Blare turns with surprise. "Kyla has taken care of that, but I have not heard anything bad. In fact, he seems to be on top of things."

Dan nods. "Good, good." He opens one eye, with a dad like smirk. "So what is troubling you?"

Blare sighs, and looks seriously out the window. "Team Tsunami is starting shit again..."

Dan laughs, then grabs his side in pain. "A bunch of hooligans can't best you four."

Blare turns, with a wide smile. "Damn right they can't touch us. Those jackasses are about to get an ass-whooping, in a major way!"

Dan looks sarcastically surprised. "Ohh, scary! So what did they do this time?!"

Blare glares at him. "Shouldn't you be getting some rest?!"

Dan looks pitiful. "Oh, come on! I don't get to go out, I can't run my shop, you Kyla and David are the only people I see.... I AM GOING CRAZY! Give me some juicy gossip! ANYTHING!!!! I'm begging ya!"

Blare sighs, unhappily. "They have kidnapped Ivory."

Dan jolts forward, grabbing his side again. "Are.... you serious?!"

Blare nods.

Dan falls back onto the pillow, laughs historically.

Blare looks at him, unhappily. "What are you laughing at?!"

 Dan looks at her, with a wide smile. "Those shitheads have no idea what they have got themselves into!" 

Blare looks confused. "How are you so calm about this?!"

Dan stops laughing and looks Blare dead in the eye. "I was on this island with Processor Ivory LONG before any of you showed up. She is a tough cookie, but even more so, she is... a scary lady! That Team Tsunami would have been better off kidnapping you or Kyla, at least then, they might have received some mercy." 

Blare and Eve look at each other confused.

Dan lays back on the bed. "You will see soon enough."

Elsewhere, Kyla and Chad search tirelessly for the mysterious trainer from before. Chad searches the town while Kyla searches the further out woods and islands, always mindful of the eastern island. 

Likewise, David has his Pokemon on patrol while he keeps an eye on the eastern island, from the opposite shore. He peers through a telescope, pointed at the eastern island. On it, he can see Ivory tied to a tree shouting angerly at a few people. A person, in a hoodie covering their face, stares at David from the shoreline. Around the island, David can see Sharpedos swimming, patrolling the waters.

David scoffs. "They certainly have their plan locked down. There is no telling what else is patrolling those waters."

"Psst!" A voice comes from around the corner of a nearby building.

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