Part 2, Chapter 7. Evaluation Day

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Kyla closes the window on the computer just as Chaz pops out of his Pokeball.

Chaz grunts unhappily.

Kyla sighs. "Are we going to have ANOTHER argument about this?"

Chaz sits down, facing the front desk, grunting.. almost whimpering. His blue eyes look at Kyla expectantly.

Kyla glances over at him, for just a moment. "If you take the proper supplements, perhaps I would consider shorting your recovery time."

Chaz perks up, grunting questioningly.

Kyla thinks. "Proteins, Zinc, Carbos, Calcium..."

Kyla continues to list supplements as Chaz's head sinks back down with an unsatisfied expression.

Kyla stands quickly, slamming her hands on the desk. She turns quickly to a startled Chaz. "Doesn't David still have a Miltank?!"

Chaz nods, confused.

Kyla flips open her phone and sends a text to David. "Hey, do you think I could borrow some of Miltank's milk for Chaz?"

Chaz waits, expectantly for an answer, but nothing comes through.

Kyla sighs and closes her phone. "He is probably asleep..."

Chaz's tail slaps the floor as he lays down.

Kyla leans over the counter. "It is our best bet to get you through recovery quicker!"

Chaz yawns. 

Kyla sits back into her chair with a thud. "I am sure he will not say no..."

Chaz grunts, lightly.

Kyla smiles. "Yeah, get some rest."

Later that night, Jack walks in with a loud yawn.

Kyla looks up from her work. "Why are you up so late, Jack?"

Jack presents two Pokeballs. "I got an extension on the class project because of my work at the Pokemart. I just got back from catching my second Pokemon."

Kyla takes the Pokeballs and put them on the healing machine. "So...?"

Jack smiles. "It was not easy, but I managed to get a Primeape!"

Kyla looks curiously. "Where did you find a Primeape?!"

Jack chuckles. "I actually found a Mankey, but it evolved during our battle, which almost was our end....."

Kyla turns with a serious expression. "Where, Jack?!"

Jack points out the door. "At the base of the mountain."

Kyla leans forward, curiously. "You swear?"

Jack nods.

The healing machine finishes and Kyla looks at the screen, seeing that Primeape is level 28. Kyla thinks to herself. "He is telling the truth, Primeape is right at evolution level. There is no way he found this weak a Primeape from any of the nearby islands." Kyla hands the Pokeballs back to Jack. "Treat them well, okay?"

Jack nods. "I think Primeape might be able to help out around the Pokemart, carrying heavier shipments of product. It would be good weight training for him too."

Kyla nods. "Just remember to reward good behavior, Primeapes can be very temperamental."

Jack chuckles. "I am well aware. See you later!" Jack heads home for the night.

Kyla sighs, sitting back into the chair. "He is asking for a longer process than he knows...." Kyla looks over her team list. "Nineteen Pokemon... seven evolved during training.." Kyla stops for a moment, realizing something then begins laughing. "I have no fairy types! I am not surprised."

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