Part 2, Chapter 33. The Pokemon Cafe

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In the Battle Tower Lobby, Zoey stands impatiently leaned against a wall. She taps her foot rapidly, watching as other trainers walking through. 

She groans, marching up to the front desk. "When is Bracket B scheduled to begin?!" She almost whimpers.

The man, at the front desk, slowly looks up at her. "Ma'am, for the third time, it will be the ninth day."

"Well, what is today then?!" She asks angrily.

"The first day, ma'am." The man replies with a sigh. "Bracket J was the only battles scheduled for today."

Zoey looks at him with, what can only be described as, puppy dog eyes. "What am I supposed to do till then?!"

The man opens a drawer and hands her a stack of dollar-sized papers. "Meal vouchers."

She slowly takes them, looking curiously between the papers and the man. "Meal vouchers?"

The man points at the restaurant. "You can use them to get food."

She looks at the restaurant, then back at the man, as a line grows behind her. "But..."

The man stands quickly, slamming his hand on the desk. "Go away!" He exclaims, pointing at the restaurant.

Zoey turns quickly and runs towards the restaurant, snickering silently as she does.

The man sits back down, burying his face in his hands. "That woman is so infuriating!"

Joy is the next to step up to the counter, presenting the list she was given. "I need photos of these trainers."

The man takes a deep breath and then looks up at her with a smile. "Of course, ma'am." He types in the names and pulls up the pictures. Zoey's is the first one he recognizes, as he looks back up at Joy. "You just missed one of them, the red and black hair woman that just took off that way." He says, pointing. He prints out the photos and hands it to Joy.

"Thank you!" Joy sings as she hurries towards the restaurant.

Once inside, the receptionist greets Joy. "Welcome to the Pokemon Cafe, will this be a sitting for one?"

Joy looks around, seeing Kyla and the others, she quickly points to them. "I am with them!"

The receptionist bows. "Please proceed then, honored guest."

Joy hurries quickly over to Kyla. "Hey. So listen, I just followed one of the trainers in here. Can you play along and say I am with you?" Joy whispers.

Kyla glares suspiciously at her. "Sure! But if you order anything you are paying for it."

Joy laughs nervously, as her stomach gives off a low growl. "Don't be silly! I am on a diet anyways!"

"Sounds like you're starving." Blare says, in a muffled tone due to a mouth full of food.

Joy stares at the plates of food for a moment, then shakes her head wildly. "Seriously though! I followed that Zoey girl in here, she qualified for bracket B without any issue!"

"So? I qualified for bracket A." Kyla replies.

"Bracket C!" Blare exclaims, taking another large bite of food.

Joy glances at both of them. "All I'm saying is, if things go bad I might need back-up." She whispers.

Kyla crosses her arms. "And what are you going to do? March over to her and start asking random questions?"

Joy snaps her fingers. "Exactly!" Joy turns and heads straight for Zoey.

"$50 says things go bad." Blares says, chrewing on a bread roll.

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