Part 2, Chapter 34. Casting the Net.

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With Bracket I schedualed for the next day, Hermit wastes no time, although reluctant, he calls his contact. Hermit informs her of the situation and his location. With barely a blink of an eye, she appears in front of Hermit and Jenny.

 With barely a blink of an eye, she appears in front of Hermit and Jenny

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Jenny's eyes widen.

"Hey there! I'm Angela!" She says with a smile.

Hermit points to where the suspect disappeared. "Can you track that teleport?"

Angela chuckles. "You know I can." Her eyes glow a bright blue as she traces the teleport energy. Finally she points to one of the cruise ships. "The trainer went to that ship."

"That is Bracket A's ship." Jenny says.

As they talk, Kyla and the others trainers exit the Battle Tower to return to their ships for the day. Several trainers catch Angela's eyes, but none of them as much as Zoey. As Zoey walks, she glances back at Angela, their eyes meeting for a mere second.

"Well.. that is interesting." She mutters under her breath.

Hermit groans. "Sorry to call you out for something so simple. We will begin a full sweep of that ship immediately. I imagine you would like..."

Angela smirks. "You imagine wrong. I will be staying around for now. Do me a favor and tell Jordan and David I need accomidations prepared." With that, Angela walks off, following the group of trainers.

"What was that?!" Jenny asks.

Hermit shrugs. "She found something to keep her attention."

Jenny shakes her head. "I mean, how do you know a cutie like that?!"

Hermit sighs heavily. "When I became an inspector she was joining. We are currently the two highest ranked officers in the SPTU, not to mention members of the Pokemon League."

"Is that why you are always so straight to the point?" Jenny asks.

Hermit nods. "She used to be my superior officer. Even a single mis-thought and she would have eaten me alive like so many before me. Now, however, we are the same rank. The only difference is she works alone."

Angela's eyes remain locked on Zoey, only darting away to rest on Kyla, Blare, and a few other trainer. She smiles wide. "What a group! I am actually excited to see what happens next." She thinks to herself.

As the trainers slowly board their respective ships, Kyla's silver Pokeball begins to glow.

Kyla hears the voice of Lugia in her mind. "I hate to bother, but you are being followed."

Kyla looks around. "What do you mean, 'being followed'?" She asks in thought.

"Their is a psychic trainer following us. It would seem she can sense how many legendaries each trainer has in their position."  Lugia replies.

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