Part 2, Chapter 37. Respect Is Everything.

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As Sue sleeps in a hospital room of the Battle Tower, the humanoid shadow hovers above her.

"You are nothing short of a gigantic pain.. but you still have your uses." The shadow mutters, disappearing into Sue.

Inside her mind, Sue is dreaming of Joseph. He picks her up in his arms, inches away from planting a kiss upon her lips, when the humanoid shadow takes his place.

"Ahh!!!" Sue screams falling, onto the floor, on her back. She glares up at the shadow. "Are you freaking serious?!! I can't even have a pleasant dream without you ruining it?!!" She pounds her fist on the floor in frustration.

The shadow looks around at a scene of a beach. "Did I interrupt something important?"

Sue slowly gets up, rolling her eyes. "Nothing YOU would understand."

The shadow stares at her in silence.

Sue crosses her arms. "Did you want something?"

"Mew.. wanted me to apologize on his behalf.. he appears to still be learning the human language. Likewise, I owe you an apology..."

Sue taps her foot. "If you are referring to the 'puppet'.. thing, I had all but forgotten about it, until you brought it up again." She says annoyed.

The shadow is silent for a moment before continuing. "It has come to my attention you are incapable of maintaining a mega evolution without assistance." A single small light floats from the shadow to Sue, going inside of her. "Therefore, I have shared my power with you, not only for your health and wellbeing but also our ultimate plan."

Sue watching the light enter her, feeling a rush of energy come over her. "What did you just put inside of me?! I feel.. amazing!"

"That is my mega stone.. one of them at least. I will retain the other just in case the situation warrants it." The shadow replies.

Sue looks curiously at the shadow. "I.. hear something. Voices."

"That is the mega stone's power bonding with you. You may experience some form of psychic abilities." The shadow adds.

"This is a little scary.. but I kind of like it too." Sue says slowly happier than before.

"Let me know if it starts to overwhelm you and I will help you if need be." The shadow says, placing a strangely shaped hand on Sue's shoulder.

Upon his touch, Sue gets a flash of Blare's memories that he had seen before. She sees more of the scene than before, even hearing the conversations. Once she pops back out of the vision her eyes narrow.

"Kyla." She says. "The strongest trainer in the tournament is named Kyla."

The shadow cocks his head to the side. "Is that the blonde's name from that one woman's mind?" He asks.

Sue nods with a widening smile. "I am going to destroy her!!"

The shadow chuckles as he opens a door of light behind him. "Do as you wish. I will be watching. Do not disappoint me." He then disappears from Sue's mind.

" He then disappears from Sue's mind

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