Part 2, Chapter 46. Bracket A, Beauty & Brains

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Victor makes his way forward, pulling out three Pokeballs, and holding them up. "I know your team by heart! These three are all I need!" He says with a confident smile.

Kyla leans against the walking stick shaking her head. "Oh?! You think you know me that well?!"

Victor confidently nods, pushing his glasses back up. "I have studied your team, strategies, and stats religiously."

Kyla's eyes blink wide for a moment as she thinks, then her face turns bright red. "THE HELL DO YOU MEAN BY STATS?!!"

Victor cocks his head slightly. "Your strengths and weaknesses across the board. What the hell are you thinking?"

Kyla's face slowly returns to normal as she glances down at her chest and then back up. "Nothing.. So if you know me so well, how many Pokemon do I have?"

Victor stands straight and proud. "25!"

"Wrong!" Kyla quickly replies. "Try 63."

Victor hunches over with a groan. "Jezz, Kyla!!! It was already a pain to devise a strategy as is!!!"

Kyla chuckles. "Perhaps you need to learn to be more flexible!"

Victor thinks for a moment and pulls out two Pokeballs instead of three. "I guess I will have to rely on my best.."

"Just two?" Kyla asks.

Victor nods. "As the rules state, once onboard the carrier the trainers must agree on their own match layout.. as long as the teams do not exceed six Pokemon."

Kyla shrugs. "This whole thing is kind of 'on the fly' for the Pokemon League."

Victor nods. "I know. But one can not plan for Giga Evolutions."

"Get on with it!!" Hoss growls.

Kyla glances between them. 'Victor is the calm calculating type whereas Hoss is impatient yet strong.. These two may throw me a curveball.' Kyla pulls out a Pokeball and looks at it. "Do you feel up for a battle?"

The Pokeball shakes happily.

"You can be the second then." Kyla looks up. "Whoever beats the other's team wins our match?"

Victor nods. "That is the idea."

Kyla holds out two Pokeballs. "I accept the terms of this match!"

Victor holds out his Pokeballs. "Then, LET'S GO!" He throws his first Pokeball and Latias emerges.

 "Then, LET'S GO!" He throws his first Pokeball and Latias emerges

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Kyla's Pokeball shakes wildly and then pops open as Tyranitar. 

Victor smiles. "That is a good match!"

Kyla shrugs. "I could have chosen Lugia, but that would not be fair."

Tyranitar roars impatiently. 

Kyla waves her hand. "I think you missed where we already started, dear. Have fun!"

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