Chapter 7. First Pokemon

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The next morning, Kyla and Blare start to walk up to Ivory's observatory. Kyla had sent word ahead via Pidgeot, earlier that morning, and received correspondence back that Ivory would be ready. Blare fidgets around with her hair and clothes.

"Should I have worn something else? Is my hair okay?" Blare asks, nervously.

"You are fine. Ivory is far from a pompous professor. Once you meet her you will understand." Kyla says as they reach the front door of the observatory.

Blare swallows heavily as the door opens and she is almost immediately met with a tight hug from Ivory.

"Welcome new trainer! It is my extreme pleasure to lead you to your new journey!"  Ivory releases the hug. "Sorry, I am a huger." 

Blare is struck speechless, motionless like a stone.

Ivory leans over to Kyla and whispers in her ear. "I didn't break her, did I?"

"Give it a moment, I went through this with you too." Kyla chuckles.

Blare shakes her head and regains her train of thought. "WOW! Kyla you were not joking, she is nothing like the professors I have heard of!"

"Is that a compliment or an insult?" Ivory looks at her curiously.

"Definitely a compliment!" Blare smiles.

"Well, don't just stand there!" Ivory takes her by the hand. "Come on in!" Ivory leads her to the library, followed by Kyla and Chaz.

Sitting in the library are hundreds of Pokeballs, carefully labeled on shelves. On a table, to the right of the room, lays a Pokedex and a regional map. 

"I know it is not much, but we will get you sorted out before you leave. Okay?" Ivory asks.

"You are too kind." Blare says bashfully.

"So, which Pokemon are you going to choose? The anticipation is killing me!" Ivory jumps up and down.

"Is she always this hyper?" Blare whispers to Kyla.

"Yes, if she isn't then she is having a world-ending day." Kyla nods.

"You can pick from any Pokemon on these shelves." Ivory points to the large bookshelf.

"Jeez, Ivory, why don't you give her a choice!" Kyla says, sarcastically.

Blare looks at the intimidating amount of choices and then turns back. "I maybe should mention that I am looking for an internship on the island." Blare says to Ivory. "Perhaps I should choose a Pokemon that fits those needs."

"That is great! Jenny could always use a new trainee. Dan is pretty set at his shop. David and Kyla might need help in a few days, with Joy leaving. I could always use help, but I do not have constant work." Ivory thinks hard. 

"If you want to help us, I am sure some of David's Pokemon would be helping." Kyla says. "Actually, why don't you rotate for a while between us and Jenny and get a feel for both jobs before you nail it down?"

"If I can help, I would love to." Blare smiles.

"I will work everything out with Jenny, don't worry." Kyla responds.

Ivory snaps her figures and pulls a Pokeball off the shelf. "How about this one?" Ivory says as she opens the Pokeball.

An Eevee pops out of the ball with a friendly growl. "Eev!"

Blare's eyes sparkle. "She is beautiful!" 

Eevee looks at Blare for a moment and then jumps into her arms.

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