Chapter 1. Big Brother Charizard.

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My name is Kyla, I am a student at the Pokemon Clinical University, PCU for short. I live on a rather large island, east of the Kanto region and south of the Fiore region, in the Oblivia region. Unlike my classmates, I never wanted to be a pokemon trainer, but fate saw fit to call me a liar. Because, my brother was involved in an accident, about a year ago, between him and a herd of wild Tauros. He did not have time to pull his Pokeball, to defend himself, as he was trampled to death. As his only sibling, I inherited his pokemon, a Charizard.  

I still remember the first time I released "Chaz" on my own, I opened the Pokeball and out popped this massive orange dragon-looking monster.  I had seen Chaz a lot before this time, I even remember when he was a little Charmander. My instant response was to stand still, because he probably didn't know what happened to my brother, yet. I have to admit, despite knowing him personally, he was still very intimidating. His eyes searched the area for a moment and then fixed on me, the anger was vivid as he leaned over to smell me. My eyes began to tear up, not because I ever thought he would hurt me, but because he instantly reminded me of my brother, strong, tall, my hero incarnate. I could not help myself, I grabbed Chaz's neck and hugged him close.

"I'm so sorry, Chaz, I really am. Matt was killed in an accident." I pulled away and looked him in the eyes. "It is just you and me now." I put my forehead against his, my tears flowing like a broken dam. 

Chaz was reluctant to be held like this, but he stayed mostly still for my sake. As I finally finished crying he wrapped me in a second hug, it felt familiar like my brother had reached out his own arms to embrace me. It was warm, nurturing, protective as if Chaz was saying that he would be there for me.

My own pokemon, the one I never wanted, was probably the start of a whole new journey. One that would take me further than I would have ever traveled on my own. 

{Fast forward four years}

Kyla sits on a park bench overlooking a small field, Chaz lounges beside her. Behind her traffic from the small city passes normally.

Time has passed, I am now 25 years old, graduated with full honors, as a Poketech. It is like being Nurse Joy, but I am able to treat Pokemon outside of a clinic. I even have a medic backpack, stocked it myself! Chaz? Oh, he and I have not been sitting idle, we have been growing much closer as a team. I think he is level 87, at the moment, very healthy for his size. Hell, he is my older brother now, which really goes either way between making me happy or sad. But he tries his best to cheer me up when I get down. We even seem to understand each other, almost instinctually. I can not really explain it, but it is almost like Chaz was meant to be my Pokemon from the very beginning. I guess so much of my brother rubbed off on him that being around me is like second nature, it really is like Matt never left. *sigh* I must be a terrible sister to say something like that.

Chaz nudges Kyla's arm and looks in the direction of an approaching young man. 

Kyla stands with her hands on her hips. "Not this guy again..." Kyla says to Chaz.

As the young man walks up he presents a Pokeball. "I WILL defeat your Charizard this time!!" He shouts angerly.

"Fat chance, dude. Why don't you just give it up?" Kyla taunts.

"Never!!!" The young man throws the ball and out pops a Blastoise.

"Okay dude, what the hell? There is no way you trained that Blastoise yourself, so where did you get it?" Kyla asks.

"I am not telling you! Battle me!" The young man shouts.

Kyla looks at Chaz. "What do you say?"

Chaz looks at the Blastoise then shrugs and waves one of his claws in an 'I don't know' fashion.

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