Part 2, Chapter 26. Adding Gas to Fire

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Later that night, while everyone is asleep, Jeff and Joann sneak around Azalea Town.

Later that night, while everyone is asleep, Jeff and Joann sneak around Azalea Town

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"Are you sure no one is around?" Jeff asks, in a whisper.

"Yes, Jeff! The Pokemon League had an emergency and everyone went to help!" Joann answers in a normal tone.

"So.. what is the plan?" Jeff asks, still whispering.

Joann points to the gym. "We are going to get in, steal two badges and anything else we can find, and then take out those damn kids one at a time."

With a lockpick in hand, Jeff opens the door and they enter the Azalea Gym. Inside they hurry into a back room meeting no resistance. They quickly grab a box full of random Pokeballs, a few Pokeballs sitting on a shelf, and two badges. Heading back outside, they turn a corner and duck into some bushes. 

"Okay, so we are two for two on badges." Jeff says, putting them away.

"All we have to do is trail this Kyla chick and we can get into the tournament scott free." Joann adds.

They look at each other with blank stares.

"Do you think we should get ahead of them?" Jeff asks.

Joann shrugs. "Might as well."

They sneak out of Azalea and into the ILEX Forest. 

Once there, Jeff looks around

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Once there, Jeff looks around. "We should have some time, right?"

Joann glares at him. "Really, you want to go exploring, RIGHT NOW?!"

Jeff smiles. "I'm doing it!" He says, running ahead.

"I am waiting here!!" Joann yells, then turns with a sigh. "I hate trainers." 

As Joann waits for Jeff to return, a Beedrill buzzes up behind her and runs into her.

Joann turns around quickly and punches the Pokemon. "Damn bugs!"

Beedrill flies back into a tree, hitting its head, and falling to the ground. Joann quickly pulls out a Pokeball and captures it. 

Picking up the Pokeball, she smiles evilly. "I may not like you, but you might come in useful."

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