Part 2, Chapter 11. Rise of Moltres, Part 2.

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All Kyla can do is look on, helplessly as Moltres dives deep into the lava. 

"She is going to destroy everything if we don't stop her!" Kyla exclaims.

Chaz grunts to Kyla urgently. 

"Are you sure?!" Kyla asks.

Chaz takes her from off his back with a gentle smile. Their eyes meet for a moment before Chaz throws her high into the air, immediately diving into the volcano. 

Kyla sails high into the air as she yells. "IDIOT!!!"

Kyla quickly pulls out a Pokeball and opens it as Pidgeot appeals and sweeps her up on her back.

Pidgeot chirps in protest.

Kyla hangs her head angerly. "It was the only way..."

Before any further discussion could continue, Moltres flies out of the volcano, knocked back by Chaz.

Chaz emerges quickly after, connecting a devastating Thunder Punch to Moltres' chest.

Moltres retaliates with a Fire Spin, but Chaz is fast enough to get behind her, locking her in for the final ride. As Chaz locks his arm around Moltres' neck, he grunts softly to her, as if to say that he was sorry for having to do this. Chaz begins to spin, as they both connect with the ground below. 

The resulting impact sends the volcano into a massive eruption. Blastoise and the others try their best to keep up, but they get quickly overwhelmed by the amount of Lava. Blastoise sends up an urgent roar that echos across to the island.

Kyla quickly adds a blue marble to her wrist band. "Let's go, Blastoise! Mega Evolution!"

The other Pokemon continue to fire their water guns as Blastoise begins to glow, emerging with a massive Hydro Pump attack from her three cannons. The others stand in shock as Blastoise single-handedly takes down every threating lava stream. Blastoise roars in happy victory.

As Moltres slowly rises from her impact, Blastoise leaps into the water, swimming straight for the lava-filled island. Chaz slowly lifts his head to see Moltres charging a Hyper Beam. Just before she fires, Blastoise spins into her, knocking her into the nearby water. Blastoise smiles to Chaz, as she offers him a hand up. Chaz smiles back as he takes her hand and slowly stands. 

The nearby water turns into a cloud of steam, as Moltres' eyes glow red with anger, slowly pulling herself from the water.  Chaz and Blastoise ready themselves as Gyarados and Poliwrath join their side.

Kyla raises her arm, from the back of Pidgeot. In her hand is one last Pokeball, that she throws to their side, calling out Steelix. "Okay, team! Let's silence this threat quickly! MEGA SPECTRUM!" Kyla raises her bracelet into the air as Steelix, Gyarados, and Pidgeot begin to glow, emerging in their Mega forms. 

Now standing on the island, before Moltres, is Mega Charizard X, Mega Blastoise, Mega Gyarados, Mega Steelix, and Mega Pidgeot in the air with Kyla on her back. Pidgeot hovers in place, looking concerned at Kyla.

Kyla pants heavily. "It is okay. We have to do this for the island." Kyla looks at Pidgeot. "You have my back, right?"

Pidgeot nods.

"Go!" Kyla yells.

Steelix and Gyarados wrap around Moltres, holding her in place as Chaz and Blastoise begin charging a Focus Blast. Moltres struggles against them, but Gyarados bites into her neck, distracting her long enough for Chaz and Blastoise to finish charging their attacks. As they approach with Focus Blast, Gyarados and Steelix leap away. The two punches connect as Moltres' eye go wide. The shock wave, that follows, parts the ocean for a moment. Moltres flyes back, from the impact, deep into the water. All five Pokemon begin charging a Hyper Beam as Moltres flys out of the water, eyes still red with anger. As Moltres charges them, she fires her own Hyper Beam. The attacks meet in the ocean, just off the shore of the island. Moltres' Hyper Beam is quickly overpowered by the other five. Moltres is blasted back into the water, face down and unconscious. 

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