The pair fall in sync quickly, and just as fast as the duel started it is over.

His father now motionless on the stone floor, never to rise again.

He'd expected her to turn her wand on him next, or to leave him to fend for himself.

Not to offer a hand in his direction and tell him to come on.

She wasn't daft.

Theodore Nott was only points behind her from being top of their year, and he was only third in dueling behind she and Harry.

The two had raced into battle, shocking all those who saw the unlikely alliance fighting back to back.

Always blocking the others blind spot.

They never left the others side, not even when the ceasefire was finally called.

The two returned to the great hall together, her hand clasped tightly around his to show he was with them.

With the light.

He'll never forget the scream that'd escaped her upon finding Ronald Weasley's body amongst the fallen.

He'd grabbed her tightly into his arms so she wouldn't collapse into a heap upon the floor.

This battle was far from over, she'd have to hold it together just a while longer.

"The snake. We've got to kill the snake."

She'd told him after collecting herself, dragging him over to Weasley's body and bending to collect a basilisk tooth from Weasley's pocket.

When Voldemort had returned to the castle, Harry Potters seemingly lifeless body in tow, he'd remained firmly at her side.

Even when Voldemort had called to him, pleading for him to join his ranks.

He'd simply clutched Grangers hand and shaken his head no.

He'd rather die than join something he didn't stand for.

It was Theodores refusal that had sparked courage within his housemates.

One by one those who thought they had no choice slowly began making theirs.

They'd merged with their professors and classmates, ready to fight to the death.

Hogwarts was their home too.

They knew they'd be fighting family and friends alike, but they'd have time to mourn the losses later.

This was war, every man for themself.

Longbottom had made a speech.

Potter had rolled out of the half giants arms.

And suddenly the battle had recommenced.

The two of them never strayed from each other, not even when they found themselves dueling classmates.

Faces they'd know since age eleven.

It was Theodore who had brought down Crabbe.

His dorm mate.

His friend.

His brother in all but blood.

Crabbe had raised his wand and fired a Crucio at Granger...

...and Theo had seen red.

He'd slain the boy without question.

Granger would survive this, it was the least he could offer.

After all, he owed her a life debt now.

The two had been dueling alongside Oliver Wood and a newly defected Adrian Pucey when Potter had finally brought down Voldemort.

The four of them had stopped, their opponents fleeing at the realization they'd lost.

It had been Granger who'd spoken up when the Ministry Officials had tried to arrest he and Pucey when the four of them had returned to the great hall.

She'd placed herself between the two of them and the Aurors, Wood quickly following her lead.

It was because of her that others began to speak up.

The Slytherins who'd defected at the last moment, who'd helped bring down Voldemort, earned their freedom thanks to Granger.

Pansy Parkinson had been shielded behind the Weasley Twins, the two of them stating she'd saved their lives against Bellatrix Lestrange.

Blaise Zabini found his saving grace in Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom, he'd turned his wand on the death eaters he'd been assigned with mid duel and joined the pair.

Marcus Flint couldn't even get a word out as Ginny Weasley pushed her way into the Aurors face, he'd taken a Crucio for her and given her he chance to take down Greyback.

Draco Malfoy was speechless when Harry Potter had stepped up for him, stating that without Draco throwing him a wand when he did then they'd all be dead.

Had Granger not found him when his father had him cornered, the others would've never switched sides.

It was because of her that he and his friends earned their redemption.

The two of them remained close throughout the trials following the battle, meeting for lunch daily for the remainder of the year.

The moment the last trial, Narcissa Malfoys trial, was over he'd asked her on a date.

She'd readily agreed.

Nearly five years after the final battle, after his redemption, the two were wed in a small ceremony outside the burrow.

Molly Weasley welcomed he and his friends with open arms.

It was because of them that three of her children had even survived the war.

As they stand before each other, reciting their vows to remain together for the rest of their time, they both can't help but think one thing.

Thank Merlin she'd gotten lost in battle.

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