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Hi everyone, Be safe and enjoy!!

Not proofread, ignore grammatical and typing errors

Haseena was squirming in pain while Sandhya was trying hard to relax her by rubbing her palms, by her words but nothing is working. Just then they heard, Karishma's loud irritating voice, "Anu bhayya!! Who told you to touch my bike?" "It doesn't have your name carved on it, department had given that to you and I am your senior so I can use it," Anubhav retorted her with equal pace moving towards centre of the room. "to hell with senior junior....first you are afraid of bike riding and then you don't even know how to ride it.....you have ruined it," Sandhya was looking at the shockingly about their abrupt timing of the quarrel, she was about to reprimand them when she noticed Haseena suddenly looking at them mumbling to herself, "Anu is afraid of bike riding..." Realizing their distracting trick, she got silenced. "I am not afraid of bike riding, who are spreading such rumors..." Anubhav cringed at her statement. "Ohoo!!! No need to fool me.....and there is no need to get ashamed even Haseena is afraid of it too..." Karishma added gesturing her. "Me.....oh madam....i am not....." Haseena retorted her forgetting her bleeding foot. "You both are afraid and I will tell this to whole world......DSP of Lukhnow and S.H.O of woman Police Station are afraid of bike riding...." Karishma said showing her tongue to both of them, teasing her. "Karishma!!! You can't spread such things.....it's illegal...." Haseena said huffing at her. "Absolutely you are right....stop it, I am not afraid of riding in fact I can rode very well..." Anubhav added. Karishma shook her head sideways, and said taking out her phone, "wait, I 'll just put up status on facebook..." "Karishma!!!" Anubhav ran behind her to catch her as he saw her fidgeting with her mobile who also ran ahead, "no, I will put it....anu bhayya is afraid of bike riding..." she was saying this and running from him. "wait...let me put you at right place....wait....come here," Anubhav was saying running behind her. Both of them were running around Haseena's bed in whole room who was laughing freely seeing them fighting like kids while Sandhya was completely amazed, how easily her son and daughter had got her distracted from her pain, "May they always be saved from evil eyes," she prayed silently unknown to the fact that her very own husband was seeing Haseena hatefully standing outside the room.

Doctor entered the room and it was then Anubhav and Karishma stopped their silly banter, seeing which Haseena realized what just happened and her eyes instantly get wet with gratitude while both the brother sister duo had hit each other's palms with a smile, celebrating their small success. Doctor had treated Haseena's wound, prescribed some medicine and left from there.

Sandhya entered the room with breakfast tray, "How are you feeling now, beta?" she asked with ever so polite voice. "Doctor had just visited Maa and now you will feed her from your own hands, I am sure she is fine," Karishma said looking at her mother who was sitting by Haseena's side in order to feed her. "Meaning?" Sandhya asked seeing anger rising in her daughter's voice and his son's eyes who was standing by Karishma' side. "Meaning that you should ask us, whether we are fine or not because she had done complete arrangements for giving us heart attack," Anubhav shouted and Karishma nodded while Haseena had bowed down her head to listen to their love-filled scolding session, she knew would definitely come. "No, today bowing down would not work Haseena....tell us once and for all, do we mean anything to you?" Karishma shouted angrily. "No Behna, she doesn't.....she had proven it today, that our words does not mean anything to her....she just have to do what she intend to." Anubhav added in tone similar to his sister. "I can't understand, what was so important that you just ran out of Police Station like maniac," it was Karishma's turn and Anubhav completed her statement, "And that too starving since yesterday, being on medicated at the same time....are you really out of your mind?" Finding their anger not subsiding, Haseena raised her eyes and looked at them who was staring at her with their sharp frightened and angry eyes. She held her both ears and mumbled a sweet apology with puppy eyes and innocent pout, "Sorry...." "Come on Anu, Karishma....she is apologizing beta....forgive her now..." Sandhya seconded looking at Haseena and then her son and daughter who were glaring Haseena. Haseena was looking at them expectantly when their expressions changed from anger to smile and within no time, they were found giving each other a group hug. After that Sandhya had fed breakfast to all of them with her own hands pampering, giving extra pampering to Haseena while Veer had escorted himself from there long ago.

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