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Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing well. As Ramazan Karim has started so updates of this story could possibly become irregular or maybe I will change its updating time......depends upon my Ramazan routine.....Enjoy this lengthy part below!

Other side somewhere outside Lukhnow in a village, in Mahipal's Haveli; Haseena was lying on a bed with a burning body half unconscious and tears streaming her eyes endlessly. Mansi and her mother was on her both side doing cold water strips one by one. Her mother was crying in between while an equally worried Mahipal Singh was leaving her room with a doctor who was saying, "Mahipal Ji! You daughter is in some kind of extreme trauma. This is not good for her considering her medical history. After that torturous kidnapping, her organs were yet not fully recovered, and then this bullet shot. At this point, even her mental health is deteriorating further. I suggest you to keep her away from traumas and tensions as much as you can." "Doctor I will try my best but I want my daughter to be completely fine." he pleaded with him. "I had given her some sleeping pills that will help her along with other medicines. Make sure she take her medicines on time. I will visit her tomorrow, if anything happens you can call me anytime." The doctor said and left not before accepting Mahipal's thanks. 

Mahipal went inside and kissed her beloved daughter on her forehead with wet eyes, "Haseena! Whoever put you in this I will not leave him?" He said and then added looking at her mother, "Behan ji! Please come with me I need to talk to you. Mansi my dear, stay with your sister and take care of her. Keep checking her temperature every hour." "Yes, dad, don't worry I will be with her." Mansi assured him and they went out.

"Behan ji! Now tell me what had happened?" He asked. "Bhai sahib! You must have known about her gunshot and then her exposing black fishes of her department." She said to which he nodded, "yes from the news..." "After that speech, she came straight home and told me to pack her and my bags as they are leaving Lukhnow. I had asked her a lot that why so. She had not told me anything until we get in a taxi. Then she told me that she had resigned." She said helplessly. "What? But Why?" Mahipal was shocked would be an understatement, "Behan ji! Her duty was everything to her then what had happened that she took such a big decision." He asked. "I too had asked this to her but she said that she is no longer fit for the job." "What kind of reason it is? If she is not then who is?" Mahipal could not form any reason. "Then what had happened?" he asked. "I was trying to get her to talk but she said her head is spinning and before I could do something she gets unconscious. I cannot even tell you how scared I got to see her in this condition alone. Thanks to you, you reached there on time otherwise I don't know what had happened." Her mother said and started crying. 

"I was lucky that I decided to visit her after hearing her gunshot and I collide you on way. And now you don't have to worry about anything. You just take care of your health. Haseena is now my responsibility. I will find out what had happened who is behind all this. Those who had pushed her to this state could not go unpunished. They dared to hurt Mahipal's daughter now they will pay the price." Mahipal went away extremely angry. He called his men, "Go to Lukhnow right now and find out what had happened there. I want to know what had happened to Haseena. Check her last week's activities, whom she met, what she did. Everything I want each and every detail. And if you returned empty handed you won't be left alive." He ordered them. He is inconsolable, He loves Haseena more than everything, and seeing her condition his anger was on seven skies and even Haseena's condition was not satisfactory to mellow down his flushing anger. "Go and arrange for charity, distribute clothes food, and money in the villagers." He ordered another one.

Back in Lukhnow, all team was trying hard to get any clue but of no use. "Anubhav! Where is Haseena?" "Sir, you do me a favour. In place of her resignation, you grant her leave of one month considering her medical state. In this time I promise you that I and all her woman police station team will get her back to our department." He proposed. "Yes, this could be done. Okay but keep me updated and do tell me if you need any help." "Sure sir!" he said and hung up. "Though I had said that to him but how would it be possible if she remained unapproachable." Anubhav said to everyone who all were extremely tensed.

Queen of emotionsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora