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Hi everyone, I hope you will enjoy the part below!!! 

Not proofread, sorry for grammatical errors and typos

Back in IO's office, Aarav and Raghav were sitting on the desk, studying multiple files. "Come on, there has to be some pattern, some link between their targets." Aarav said as he was looking in the files. "Sir, Let's do it again...." Raghav added and he nodded. "First of all London, as much as we know they chose the target city upon some specialty. So, London's specialty???" Raghav added thinking. "Buckingham Palace!!!" Aarav added. "Hmm.....right, about....New trade center, after 9/11 it is the most difficult city to breach in with respect to security." Raghav added. "Right, likewise all these cities have something special in them except Kuantan and Toulouse." Aarav added looking into the file of those cities. "Sir, there is something interesting in the attack of Kuantan. When they got the intelligence about possible attacks, they had handed over the case to one of their highly reputed officials of the Police department but don't know what happened that officer suddenly disappeared somewhere." Raghav told him. "I had asked you about the list of all states and their capitals, with their significance." Aarav asked him and he handed over the list to him. "What do you think? Which one could be the target?" Aarav asked him. "I shortlisted four names, First one is Delhi, as it is the capital city and obviously hub of many high profile authorities. Second is Mumbai, it always has been a target for many dangerous terrorist attacks. The third is Agra, which has one of the Seven Wonders of the World Taj Mehal. Fourth is Kolkata, the city of joy also known as our cultural capital. But....." he stopped while saying. "But what?" "Sir, With respect to the Police department, there is another city which is in the headlines these days." "And what is it and why?" Aarav asked. "Lukhnow, under one of our Ex- Agents, Anubhav Singh's Supervision, Haseena Malik- and ordinary S.H.O of a woman Police station of Lukhnow and her team had bravely rescued the whole nation from a possible virus attack. In addition, Haseena Malik's Police station is one of those very rare Police stations that were trying to gain back people's trust in the department which it had lost long ago. Moreover, she had even unveiled many black ships of the Police department of Lukhnow." Raghav added. "Hmm....." Aarav picked up a file from his side table and added, "In this file, there are five names, send them to these five cities for a short, yet quick secret mission. You have one week, I want the name of the target city. Keep in mind that everything must be completely secretive even from the state departments too." Aarav notified him and he left the office.

A few days later, Haseena was in her cabin reading a file when Karishma Singh knocked at her door, "Madam Sir! Can I come in?" "Karishma Singh! Of course....please....." She entered and added. "I am not here to talk to my senior but to my best friend....Can you call her?" She asked with a sweet smile. Haseena smiled dropped her pen, closed her file, and replied crossing her arms on her chest, "Of course! Here she is....." "Haseena I want to go to a small outing with you tonight after duty hours so, please reach Chaman ice cream shop," Karishma said. "Your wish is my command madam...." She replied bowing a little, teasing her. Karishma exclaimed elatedly and went away, "I will be waiting for you!!!" Haseena chuckled at her happiness and resumed her work.

A young lady dressed in Green and black Saree, an antique designed pendant tied with a thread around her neck with holding a black clutch in her right hand which was adorned with a ring having a silver base and gold scorpion designed stone, entered in police station looking here and there. "Yes, how can I help you?" Karishma asked seeing her there. "Hello, I am Mrs. Kapoor, actually ..." but before she could complete Haseena came from her cabin. "Madam Sir!!" Karishma said signaling her to sit there.

Haseena settled on her seat, gestured that lady to be seated. "Yes, I am S.H.O of the police station. Tell me your problem." Haseena asked. "Madam!! Actually, I had a childhood friend. We were neighbors and our early childhood spent together. She was my only friend but then one day her father died and she left our neighborhood with her mother and went somewhere. Madam I had been searching for her in different cities of the country. Someone had told me that you people help everyone who comes to you. Please madam help me find her...." "Do you have any photo of her?" she asked. She nodded and started taking it out while Karishma asked, "By the way what is her name?" Mrs. Kapoor took out a photo of two ten-year-old girls and said giving it to Haseena, "her name is Haseena Malik....."

Haseena was pleasantly surprised, she took the photo looked at it and then her with a sparkling shine in her eyes and she exclaimed jumping up from her seat, "Shalini!!!" she stood up too shocked of her reaction, Haseena showed her badge, attached to her uniform and she jumped in joy, "Enie!!!!" They both hugged each other with tears of happiness in their eyes, "Shalo!!" escaped Haseena's lips and they both hugged each other tightly. All others were mute spectators shocked to see such a big coincidence however Karishma had felt a sudden tinge in her heart she herself was unable to understand. "Come on, let's go home.....we had a lot to catch up...." Haseena told her excitedly and was about to drag her. "Wait, won't you introduce me to your team?" Shalini asked her, expressing her excitement to know them. "Of course!!! I forget in my excitement..." Haseena replied fuelling Karishma more. She added, "Constable Cheetah Chaturvedi and a brother to me, Santosh Sharma- she is a younger sister to me, Head constable Pushpa Singh- she is just like my mother and she is Karishma Singh." she moved towards her put her hands on her shoulders and added, "My sub-inspector, my sister, and my best friend....." Karishma nodded with a fake smile. "Please don't mind Karishma ji....but now I am back to take your best friend......." She said teasingly but Karishma was fuming in anger, before she could react Haseena replied hitting shalini's shoulder playfully, "stop it Shalo!! You are still the same naughty and teasing everyone.....but be careful okay.....she is our firebrand- messing with her could be very costly...." She said and winked to which they both laughed while Karishma Singh was standing clutching her fists behind her back tightly counting from 1-5, fuelling in jealousy seeing her madam sir so comfortable with someone else than her. "Karishma Singh!! I am going home.....please call me in case of any emergency...." She added looking at her with a smile and went away from their taking Shalini with her leaving behind an angry Karishma who just stormed towards her desk angrily. "It seems, soon someone's best friend's post is going to end...." Pushpa ji teased her understanding she is getting jealous. "Do you want me to suspend you Pushpa ji? Get back to work....don't forget I am your senior..." Karishma shouted at Pushpa ji who just smiled and started her work.

Karishma was waiting at Chaman ice-cream shop for her best and only friend Haseena Malik. Haseena Malik was in her home lounge with Shalini talking and laughing, reminiscing childhood memories. Just then her eyes fell on time, "Oh no!! Look at the time..." Haseena at once jumped up from her seat. "What happened??" She asked, surprised at her reaction. "Shalo!! I had to go to Karishma.......I am already late....for now, you should go....I'll see you soon." Haseena said getting scared looking at the time. "Come on Enie!!! We have met after so many could meet your SI tomorrow also..." Shalini replied. "Shalo!!!" Haseena held her hand and dragged her towards the exit, "I have to meet not my SI but my friend....and trust me.....she can't be wooed easily.....if she gets angry then it would be difficult for me to handle need to go..." Haseena added pushing her out. "Okay least give me a hug....." Shalini added making a pout while Haseena smiled and hugged her. While coming out of her hug, Shalini had attached a nano microphone on her wristwatch without Haseena getting to know about it and left from there. "She won't leave me...." Haseena mumbled to herself, picked up her keys, and stormed sitting in it.

Stay tuned to witness how Haseena Malik will cajole her best friend? 

Let's play a short game, 

Do you have any special Kareena moment in your mind which you want to read specifically? then hurry up, message me privately i will chose the best one as winner and will wirte it down as a separate one shot on it  mentioning your name of course......remember your idea will have no bounds of this story "Queen of emotion". You can change their relationship dynamics in whatever way you want.....your idea must be limited to one or two shots not more than that.

Eagerly waiting for your responses in comments. 

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