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Hello everyone, how are you all I am here with another very exciting part???

"It's getting late I think we should leave now," Haseena asked and everyone agreed. They settled in the jeep and started their journey to Haveli with two cars full of guards ahead and behind choti Sarkar's jeep blowing dust on all the passer-by. She was looking out of the window seeing this. From everything in this village one thing, she wanted to eliminate so desperately is her being royalty and as much as the desperation, she knows the fact that it is perhaps the most impossible things. However, her chain of thoughts was broken by a visual at a far distance where a man was badly beating a woman and if her doubt was right she was pregnant. Haseena shouted, "Stop the car!!" and sudden breaks were applied. She at once get down and was about to run down the fields to reach her but suddenly her bodyguards have surrounded her. She was about to order them to stop that man but then she saw Mansi back in the car and fright on her face, the sun setting and a long dangerous route of forest with wild animals. She ordered, "I will handle it. Go and drop Mansi and everyone safe at Haveli first." "But choti Sarkar...." They tried to say. "What happened Haseena ji? Can I help?" Anubhav asked. "Nothing much sir! You can relax...." She replied to him and then ordered, "Look I don't like repeating myself just do as I say." She ordered the guards and ran down the road in the fields towards the mud hut.

She reached to him and held his hand to stop hitting her wife, "you coward, how dare you hit your wife and that too a pregnant one." She shouted. "Who are you? She is my wife and whatever I do to her who are you to intervene." He retorted angrily. "A woman!!!!! I am a woman to stop you!!! And no man in any condition could hit a wife like this in front of me. Take it as my last warning next time I will not talk to you with words." She warned him moved towards his wife, supported her from the floor, and made her sit on a bedstead whose frame was woven with ropes. "Are you alright!!" she asked and made her drink a glass of water. "Are you feeling alright?" she put her hand on her belly and asked, "Is the baby alright? I mean do you need medical aid or something?" she asked extremely worried about her condition. She nodded and said, "I am good, thank you so much but who are you?" and before she could reply he came from behind with a glass bottle roaring and was about to hit Haseena, taking her action as an attack on his male ego. Her attention was at his wife who shouted, "Look behind!!" turning around she at once stop him from hitting her head by taking the bottle on her arms which started bleeding. How much she hated to fight, she knew she needs to knock him down to stop the beast in him for now. Ignoring her bleeding wound she fought with him and knocked him down without any stick or ammunition while he was, again and again, hitting her with glass bottles and wooden sticks. He was lying on a distance in the mud with swollen breath without a single damage to his body looking at him shocked. "If I wanted I could have broken every single bone of your body but your wife's pleading face and thought of your unborn child had not let me do it." she roared at him, "learn to respect the woman for yourself, your life, and your family and most importantly your unborn child." She warned him again irrespective of bleeding at her hand.

All this while, others reached at the haveli only to find Mahipal Singh waiting for them only. He did not find Haseena with them, "Where is Haseena?" he asked looking at Anubhav. "Sir she said she had some work in the village so she sends us here," Anubhav replied. "Okay! No problem, her bodyguards are with her right?" he asked almost assured of the fact but when he was told that no she is alone, fear turned into a rage that appeared in his eyes and had literally shaken up all the strong Police officers standing there. Mahipal stormed out of haveli while seeing all this Ammi fallen down perhaps only one at that time to know the gravity of the situation. "Haseena!! You should not have done this.......Oh God please don't let anything happen." She prayed looking up extremely worried. "Aunty ji! What happened and why Mahipal sir is so much enraged?" Karishma asked her but ammi had not replied to her. They both went behind Mahipal to look into the matter.

Mahipal came out of Haveli to see bodyguards standing there head down shivering out of his fear. "When I told you that all of you must be with choti Sarkar everywhere she goes in the village then what are you doing here?" she roared at the top of his voice making all of them go on their knees. One dared to reply with a shivering voice but he was cut, "Shut up you idiot i will punish you all for that later first I need to get her back." He sat in the car and his jeep stormed out of haveli completely ignoring Anubhav's request to accompany him and those bodyguards followed his jeep. Mahipal reached there to see her talking to that couple while her arm was bleeding. Seeing him Haseena at once hide her arm behind her but it was too late Mahipal's rage was doubled than before. Seeing him their couple bowed in front of him, "Greetings Sarkar!!!" with red eyes Mahipal looked at Haseena who just downcast her eyes knowing damage has been done and he won't understand anything in this rage. Next, he glanced at the lady who was badly beaten, broken pieces of glass and wood, he need not ask what must have happened. With an anger-filled voice, he roared til then other villagers have arrived there. "Haseena gets in the car!!!" he ordered. "But....." she tried to say. "I said in the car right now..." she had no other option but to comply with him, praying that her uncle must not kill him. "No one in this village is allowed to even look at choti Sarkar and you dared to harm her. Take him to Haveli and beat him so hard that his shrieks could be heard till ten villages from here." He ordered with red eyes roaring like an angry lion whose child is being harmed. Within no time he was dragged to the car while all his and his wife pleads for mercy goes on deaf ears.

Haseena who had been seeing all this was cursing herself now. Mahipal get in the car and took Haseena straight to the hospital to get her wound treated and then they both reached haveli. In all this while, he had not talked to her even once despite her tries, "Choti Sarkar! Let us first reach Haveli." He just said that glaring at her with his anger-filled eyes. He was angry at all his men whose only job is to be around her, he was angry at that man who had harmed her daughter, he was angry on himself that once again he failed in protecting her daughter and he was angry at her for breaking his loop of security she promises she would never."

They stepped down the car, "Go in and wait for me in the hall, Haseena." He ordered her and she went in having no other option. Pacing to and fro she wasn't answering anyone. Her sole focus was what her uncle is going to do to her guards and that poor-to-be father. There Mahipal ordered, "Ramo!! Take them all.....and beat each one of them with 10 lashes for their unforgivable mistake." Haseena had heard it. She could not let him do anything wrong and illegal even if that means taking all his rage on herself. She ordered Ramo, "Ramo you are not doing any of this. Uncle, they were nowhere at fault. They just did what I ordered them to do. And Ramo!!! Go and stop your men from torturing that poor fellow too.......beating him would never bring her to the right path." "Haseena! You can't overrule my orders, I am your father" Mahipal roared angrily. Everyone including her team members were seeing this shockingly. "No you are not and you are not going to torture any of them IF YOU DON'T WANT ME TO LEAVE YOU FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!" Haseena uttered those words for which she hates herself more. Mahipal could not believe this, his rage was nowhere to be seen now but had replaced with unbearable pain. He just signaled Ramo with his hand and went inside his room locking it from inside. 

waiting for your votes and comments!!! How much excited you are to find out how Haseena become Choti sarkar????

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