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Hi everyone, Be happy and enjoy!!!!

Not proofread, ignore grammatical and typing errors

Haseena and Karishma entered Woman Police Station after sending Raghu's dead body to the Forensics and their staff could easily see anger and distress on Haseena's face. Everyone greeted them to which Karishma responded but Haseena moved in her cabin straight without responding anyone, anything. "Karishma madam, what happened to madam sir?" Pushpa ji asked. Karishma sighed and gave them details of the case hearing which everyone else get tensed too. "Karishma Singh! Come in my cabin with all the case details." Haseena commanded her and she nodded.

Karishma was sitting on front chair of Haseena looking at the CCTV footage of lifeline hospital while Haseena was seeing the details of entry and exit of dead bodies in morgue. "Madam Sir!! Look at this." Karishma at once turned the laptop towards her. Showing her the screen she added, "Madam Sir, not just one but total 40 dead- bodies were being taken somewhere in last two days 20 at a time, in a cold storage truck." "Hmm, you know what's strange that as per records, 39 out of 40 are ownerless dead bodies that means Bilal's brother's dead body was a mistake. All have variable causes of death and they had been received in duration of a week then how come they had been taken together, even if it's organ trafficking then too, organ must be donated with in a specific duration.....something is not right!! Extract all the details about the truck." Haseena ordered her to which she nodded and at once moved aside to call RTO office. After giving them details, she returned when Haseena asked, "When will forensic report come?" "They told me that it will take almost 24 hours." Karishma responded. "24 hours are too much......no, we can't wait this long....told them that we need reports in next 12 hours." Haseena added checking multiple papers and CCTV footage again n again, getting extremely worried and impatient. "Madam Sir, what do you think, why he had stolen dead bodies?" Karishma asked. "They are planning something big that's for sure, however what is it actually is yet to be confirmed." She responded and both went in deep thoughts.

It was then Karishma's phone rang and seeing caller ID of her Dad she had picked it up, "Hello Dad, I am a bit busy will talk to you later." With that she was about to hang up but Veer stopped her, "Karishma beta, wait it's important." "Wait a sec!!" she told him and asked Haseena behind, "Madam Sir, Can I?" she nodded and Karishma moved out of her cabin to talk to him. "Yes dad, now tell me what's urgent." She asked him. "Karishma beta, actually a parcel of mine was to come from America tomorrow morning but I had just found out that it's coming in an hour. I had told my man, he will get pick it up from airport but he has a flight to board immediately after that. Will you please fetch it from him and deliver it to my client. Please beta, it's about credibility of my company. I would have gone myself but my health is not fine and Anubhav is busy in some meeting with IG." Veer requested him over the phone. "Dad......fine let me just ask Madam sir? I will inform you." "Okay." and they hung up. Upon returning to the cabin, she asked her and Haseena responded, "Of course, moreover your duty hours are over so you can leave. Regarding the case we will discuss that after forensic report."

Only Haseena and Cheetah left at Police Station, when Haseena came out of her cabin and said with serious expressions, "Cheetah! I just remembered that Ammi had called me earlier today. I am going to home but will return late night around 12 may be. And I don't think it is needed to say...." "Don't worry madam sir, I will not sleep and will do my duty with complete focus," he at once said interrupting her to which she nodded and left the station.

She was about to sit in her jeep when she saw a well-dressed young girl crying sitting on the bench outside her station. She stopped seeing her and settled beside her, "what happened beta why are you crying?" But poor girl was so scared to say anything instead as Haseena settled beside her she moved towards extreme side of bench and started shivering in fear. "Okay, okay!! Relax....i won't come near you. Okay...relax....take deep breathes." Haseena managed to get her stop crying. She settled on her knees at a safe distance from her and said putting her hand on her heart lovingly, "My name is Haseena Malik and this is my office. What's your name?" "Isha!!" she replied with ever so cute expressions. Until then Cheetah too came there. "Nice name Isha, will you be my friend?" she asked with sweet smile on her face and Isha nodded cutely, giving her a wide smile. Haseena opened her arms and she jumped in her lap. Picking her up in her arms, she moved inside station. "Isha! Are you hungry?" she asked only to get an innocent nod. "Cheetah, order some sandwiches and hot chocolate for our little friend." Cheetah nodded with a smile and left from there.

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