"Sophie" I finished for him "we have social studies and art together?"

"Oh yeah right" he lied, really badly I may add,  which made me actually roll my eyes.

"Um, I think I should go..." I told Ben trying to get out from his grip. His grip tightened a little.

"What? Why?" He asked me. I smiled at his adorable confused face.

"It's fine, go hang out with them." I told him, this time being able to slide my hand out of his grip.

"Oh, ok. Are you sure?" He asked me. Wow he's a good actor. He must be acting, he probably doesn't even care if I'm even alive or not... Ok bad joke...

I nodded "yeah really it's fine. I'll see you later." I turned around, only to be turned back around and pulled into a hug.

"I'll miss you." He said into my hair. Wow this kid should be on TV

"I'll miss you too." I said pulling out of the hug then looking down at the floor as I walked away.


"Hey Soph!" I devil called from behind me. I groaned and turned to face a smirking Julia.

"What do you want?" I asked annoyed. She clearly took my annoyense as a compliment that she is doing good at annoying me.

"Oh weres your boyfriend? Did he already break up with you" she laughed.

"I... uh.. don't know where he is..." I studdered, which only made her laugh at me.

"I bet he's with some other girl because - well I mean, look at you." she snorted. "Who wouldn't go running off?" She started to snicker and her Barbie dolls wanna-be's laughed along with her. I felt myself about to break down, but I couldn't. In my little life I had left, I'm not going to cry infront of Julia, or anyone. I have never cried infront of anyone. It makes me seem weak. Not even my own family. If I felt the tears coming, I would ether casually leave the room to go cry my eyes out somewhere else, or I would just fight them back.

Right when I was about to leave Julia, I felt two strong arms snake aroung my waist and lift me up, spinning me around. I instantly forgot Julias words and squealed. When the two arms put be down, I turned around to see a smiling Ben, his arms still around my waist.

"Hi babe." He said. God, that word.

"Hiiiii" I said which made him chuckle. He turned to an angry Julia.

"Oh sorry Julia, I didn't see ya there." He said, still keeping one arm on my waist "excuse us, but we're leaving" he added as we walked away from her. "Want me to bring you home?" He asked and I nodded thanking him.

"BEN!!" Blaine yelled running towards us.

"Dude whats your problem?" Ben laughed and Blaine rolled his eyes.

"I just wanted to tell you Jake's having a party tonight at his beach house, you should come." He looked at me and smiled "Bring your girlfriend too." A small smile came from my lips for the word "Girlfriend".

"Um, I'll be there, but Soph..." He asked using a nickname that made my smile a little bigger.


"You don't have to if you don't want to." He whispred making sure that Blaine couldn't hear him. You know what? I've never been to a real high school party before, being the out cast and such. I sortof want to go.

"Sure, I'll come." I shrugged. What the heck anyways? It might be fun.

"Great." Blaine smiled "See you tonight at 9" and with that, he turned around.

My Fake BoyfriendOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant