I focused my attention across the table at Joanna and her friend as they talked lowly amongst themselves.

"So Morgan." William began. "You go to UCLA now?" He asked her.

I watched as Morgan wiped her mouth with her napkin before speaking. "Yes, I love it there." Morgan smiled.

"I actually graduated there." Karen chimed in.

"Really?" Morgan asked in awe.

Karen nodded with a smile.

"And how about you Naomi? Where do you go to school?"

"Actually, I don't go to college." The girl responded.

William nearly choked on the food he was currently chewing as the words escaped her mouth.

Karen patted his back as he drank from his cup.

"So what exactly do you plan to do with your life." He shot.

"Dad." Joanna warned him.

"No, it's okay." Naomi assured Joanna with a smile small. "I'm an artist." She Explained.

"What gallery could I see some of your work in?" William questioned.

"Well actually, my work hasn't reached that point yet, I do more of street art." Joanna explained.

William scoffed unimpressed with this girl's life decisions.

Who the hell is he to have an opinion about how she lives her life?

"Street art? I think that's incredible. Iv always admired those around town." Karen spoke up softening the blow her husband just sent out.

Naomi slightly smiled before placing more food into her mouth.

"Want to go watch the waves?" Joanna asked her friend.

"Sure." Naomi agreed as they got up from the table.

Joanna continued to apologize for her father's actions as they left out of the beach house.

William focused his attention back to me across the table.

"So chresanto." William said starting on me. "Iv been extremely curious... How did your adoptive parents treat you ?" He asked me.

"William!" Karen exclaimed.

"What? I want to know." He shrugged. "He never talks about them, I want to know what kinda life he lived that's all." William explained.

Maybe he had one too many cups of whine tonight, cause he was being extremely testy, but he should be careful where he fire his shots.

"If you would have been around you would know." I shot."but if you insist on being in my business, My dad is dead. And my mom is somewhere probably sniffing crack." I said.

A small gasp escaped Morgan's mouth as Karen's eyes opened wide like saucers.

"Since you feel the need to question everyone tonight, I actually have one for you." I said sitting up on the couch. "Why did you invite me here?" I asked.

I tried the whole bonding this for Morgan's sake, but I refuse to continue to play this role any longer.

"Because you are my son, and I want to connect with you." He said.

I chuckled with amusement from this man's words. "You see, that's the problem. You may be my sperm doner but you damn sure aren't my father." I spat. "If you thought you and I were just going to pretend like those 23 years of hell never happened then I'm telling you now you are sadly mistaken." I spat.

"If you want to do something for me, you could do me the kind favor of staying the fuck out of my life." I growled before getting up going into the bedroom.

Seconds later the bedroom door opened and I didn't even have to turn around to know it was Morgan.

"I know I was suppose to be playing nice, but I just can't pretend anymore. Sorry if that upsets you." I said.

She sat next to me grabbing hold of my hand. "Chres." She breathed out. "I'm not upset." She assured me.

I turned to face her shocked that wasn't the reaction I expected.

She wrapped her arms around my neck pulling her body closer to mine. "I'm so sorry about your parents." She choked out, I could tell she was on the edge of tears.

"Don't be. " I told her. "The day my dad died was the happiest day of my life. He was never a father figure." I chuckled. "I actually spent my 18th birthday eating cake on his grave." I informed her.

True story.

She shook her head as a low chuckle escaped her mouth. "You are insane." She said.

I shrugged. "If you knew the things that man put me through, you would understand." I assured her. "He's the reason my mom changed. " I explained.

"I'm sorry." She repeated.

"Nah, fuck her too." I chuckled. "The bitch chose drugs over me." I informed her.

"That's awful." She choked out.

"Maybe. But as you can see, I raised myself well. I'd say I turned out to be an okay person." I smiled.

Morgan smiled also kissing my lips softly. "An incredible person." She corrected.

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