Chapter 50 ~ Cleared Up

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Dex's P.O.V

Dex made his way back to the room where the others were still waiting. He made his way across the room as far away as he could be from Marella who was just coming in after him.

He forced himself to not even look at her as the others started loading her with questions about where she had been all this time.

Dex heard Marella make up a few lies. If only they knew what really happened.

He forced himself to not think about any of it, right now he had to focus on the many other problems he had.

They sat around and chatted for a few hours when Mr. Forkle barged right back into the room, causing everyone to go silent.

Mr. Forkle awkwardly cleared his throat and set his things down as everyone glared at him.

"You kids are probably confused—"

"Very— and mad," Biana said, cutting him off.

"Yes, and I apologize for my unexpected escape. I want to thank you all for being patient and staying put like I asked," Mr. Forkle continued.

Tam snorted. "Not everyone. Keefe ditched us too."

"Keefe? Where to?!" Mr. Forkle exclaimed, realizing Keefe was not present.

"I have no idea, he wouldn't tell me when I tried to stop him," Dex replied.

Mr. Forkle sighed. "That mischievous boy. He's always up to something," he mumbled.

"Okay, let's hope he returns soon. But now, I must explain to you all the reason for my disappearance," Mr. Forkle continued.

"Long ago when I was a scientist, working with Sophie's parents, we made lots of discoveries. Her parents were known to discover the most and to invent the most...but there was something I discovered myself. I found these glowing blue crystals that had the ability to be used to control people. I knew it was a discovery of a lifetime but would be so dangerous if it landed into the wrong hands. That's why I made Sophie's parents promise not to share any of it with anyone when I revealed my discovery to them," he explained.

He cleared his throat. "However, I've had my suspicions for a while now that the Neverseen had somehow gotten the information about these crystals. Now after my quick trip today, I looked to see that the evidence of this discovery was still locked away and there is no possible way the Neverseen could have known about them."

He continued, "however, that leaves me with one possible way that the Neverseen could ever know about any of this...they've captured Sophie's parents and got the information out of them."

Everyone gasped. "Does this mean her parents are still alive?!" Fitz exclaimed.

"I'm not sure, but it's a possibility. And perhaps this could lead to a theory that the reason they have Sophie is to blackmail her parents to leak information about these crystals. Alive or not, if the Neverseen know, this is a very serious matter. I made Sophie's parents swear on their life not to say a word about any of it but that was before Sophie was born— before they had something that could be used to be blackmailed," Mr. Forkle said, almost looking scared himself.

"So now what?" Biana asked, the same thing everyone else was thinking.

"I'm not sure but I'll figure out a plan soon. We must work together," Mr. Forkle responded.

"Okay and how will we work together when it seems like everyone has secrets?" Linh asked, nervously looking around.

Dex saw Marella looking at him from the corner of his eye but he refused to look back.

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