Chapter 44 ~ The Confrontation

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Marella's P.O.V

Marella was furious as she marched through the streets as the evening came.

She had been searching for Linda's grandparents address for hours on foot. She should have at least rode a bus or called for a taxi, but nope, she was in such a rush that she didn't even think about it.

She didn't think it would be this hard to find a house.

She knew it was getting late and she had no idea what she would tell her group when she came back. But she decided to worry about that later.

A few minutes later, she realized she reached the street the address had said so she frantically ran to search for the correct house.

Marella didn't know how she would approach this but she knew it would be a surprise to dear old Linda. Linda thought it was Dex that was coming.

This was going to be interesting. Linda better be ready for what Marella was about to give her.

Finally, Marella found the correct house number and found herself storming towards the door. She had never been so angry in her entire life and she was ready to give this girl a piece of her mind— even if her grandparents were around.

Once Marella reached the porch, she straightened her posture and stood tall as she pounded on the door as hard as she could.

After a few minutes, the door slowly crept open to reveal a little old lady.

Marella instantly changed her face to a more kinder approach as the old lady asked, "who are you?"

"Hi I'm Marella, I'm here looking for Linda," Marella introduced, giving a smile.

"Oh, I'm her grandmother. Linda is out right now but she'll be back soon," the lady explained.

"Thanks," Marella said, screaming inside since she couldn't confront Linda at the moment.

"Do you want to come inside?" Linda's grandmother asked.

"No thanks, I'll wait out here," Marella replied, sitting down on the porch.

"Oh alright, if you need anything, I'll be right in here," her grandmother said, then closing the door.

Marella let out a frustrated sigh and wondered how such a nice old lady could even be related to a girl like Linda.

Marella waited for what seemed like forever as the evening came and the sky turned dark.

She was growing impatient but she wasn't going to let this slip by. She needed to confront Linda about this and Dex later. This couldn't go on any longer.

Eventually, the lights of a car grew brighter as a car pulled into the driveway.

Marella instantly stood up and narrowed her eyes to see that it was Linda getting back from wherever that girl was.

Linda hopped out of the car and noticed Marella which caused her to shriek. "Who are you?!" She exclaimed, squinting her eyes as she tried to make out who it was.

"I'm Marella," Marella said, approaching her.

"Who?" Linda asked, confused.

"We've met before. Dex introduced me to you at Foxfire," Marella reminded.

"Oh, right, you're one of Dexypoo's little friends," Linda said, rolling her eyes.

Marella clenched her fists and exclaimed, "first of all, I'm his girl—"

"Oh speaking of, Dexy was supposed to meet me today! Have you seen him?" Linda asked, completely ignoring what Marella was trying to say.

Marella crossed her arms and glared as she spat, "he's not coming."

"Strange," she replied, clicking her tongue. "So what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to tell you to back off," Marella said, getting closer.

"Excuse me?" Linda asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Back off of Dex! He's mine and he doesn't need your annoying little self!" Marella yelled, feeling herself losing control.

Linda gasped and put a hand over her heart dramatically. "I have no idea what on earth you're talking about."

"You know exactly what I'm talking about," Marella growled, narrowing her eyes.

"No, I mean— unless you're talking about the thing me and Dexy have. I'm sure you're unaware of it. I understand if you're feeling jealous—"

"LISTEN HERE, LINDA," Marella demanded, pointing a finger at Linda. "Dex is my boyfriend. Not yours."

"Really? Well, Dex failed to mention that to me," Linda relied, looking at her nails.

"SHUT UP!" Marella yelled. "You knew it and I know he cheated on me with you!"

"And what are you going to do about it?" Linda challenged, glaring at Marella.

Marella glared back without replying for a few seconds so Linda added, "I'm so over this."

She then walked past Marella and purposely hit her shoulder.

Marella stumbled back a little in surprise and before she could think about what she was doing, she lunged at Linda and shoved her to the ground.

"AHHH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Linda screeched. She then grabbed a chunk of Marella's hair and yanked it hard.

Marella yelled out and kicked Linda in the stomach, causing her to roll over in pain.

Linda then started to hiss and then scratched Marella's arm with her long nails. Marella slapped her hard right in the face.

Linda fell back onto the grass looking stunned. Marella could see blood dripping down Linda's forehead and instantly panicked when she realized what she had just done.

"YOU'RE SO DEAD FOR THIS! DEX WILL BE THE FIRST PERSON WHO FINDS OUT!" Linda threatened, stumbling back up and running towards the door of the house.

"GOOD! I DON'T NEED NEITHER OF YOU! NEVER MESS WITH ME AGAIN!" Marella yelled out. Linda then slammed the door and Marella realized that she had to get out of there.

She sprinted for her life away from there in her ripped clothes and bloody hands. She didn't know how to get back to the hotel in the dark so she had to grab a cab.

She just couldn't think straight as she felt dizzy and realized what she had just done.

She had no idea what was going to happen but she knew that now she was in some deep trouble.

Who knew what Linda would do now.

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