Chapter 51 ~ Promise

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Keefe's P.O.V

Keefe rushed as fast as he could before night could come. He had to be quick and unseen. If he wasn't careful, he would be in deep trouble.

He felt a little guilty for leaving the others behind to be locked up and have to face the Forkleman when he comes back but Keefe knew he had to do this in order to have any shot of ever getting things back to the way they were.

It was only a few months ago when everything had fallen apart yet it felt like it had been years.

Eventually, it was getting to late evening and Keefe had arrived.

He snuck his way through the secret entrance of the hideout that he had discovered. He slipped his way through and entered the room he would come in so many times.


There he saw her. The blonde girl he could never leave.

Immediately she looked up and gasped. "Carter?! What are you doing here? I thought you told me to go away?" She exclaimed, glaring at him.

"I did?" Keefe asked, confused.

"Don't give me that— you were all mad and you've been giving me attitude lately," Sophie exclaimed, getting up.

Oh no.

Keefe must have been still in Biana's trance from the crystals.

"Look Sophie— hold on. There's a lot I need to explain," Keefe said, putting his hands up.

"Uh yeah you do," Sophie replied.

"Look this isn't what you think— I'm not who you think I am," Keefe exclaimed.

"Uh no duh, you've been acting very different lately. Just tell me what's going on," Sophie demanded.

"No! That's not what I mean!" Keefe exclaimed.

"Then say it!" Sophie exclaimed.

"Shhh!" Keefe exclaimed, hoping Mai didn't walk in on them. "Look, I'm not Carter."

"Uhhh Carter are you okay? Do you need sleep—"

"Sophie stop! Carter is someone I made up!" Keefe exclaimed.

"Huh?" Sophie said, confused. She slowly approached him.

Keefe then quickly changed his deep voice he used to play as Carter to his normal voice. "Sophie, it's me— Keefe."

"What?!" Sophie exclaimed, stumbling back. "Is this some kind of sick joke?!"

"No Sophie it's not! Look!" Keefe exclaimed, slowly approaching her. He then pulled out his dark wig to reveal his blonde hair. He then took out the brown colored contacts he hated wearing to reveal his ice blue ones.

"Oh my gosh...there's no way..." Sophie gasped, running into the wall behind her.

"I'm so sorry Sophie. I had to go undercover to find a way to get you out of this miserable place," Keefe explained.

"No stop— this doesn't make sense," Sophie mumbled, her eyes widening.

"Look, the while whole the whole gang was searching for you, I would sneak during the middle of the night to come here to play as Carter."

"Wait what do you mean the gang has been searching for me?" Sophie asked, narrowing her eyes.

"Oh god...Sophie...we've been searching for you ever since you were taken! We split into two groups. Your parents, Wylie, Marella, and Dex have been searching here the whole time based on a lead we found and the rest of us with Mr. Forkle have been searching at San Diego until I made a false lead to move here with the other group when the Neverseen moved here," Keefe explained.

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