Chapter 30 ~ Bank Robbery

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Sophie's P.O.V

Sophie felt chills run through her body as her, Pheonix, and Carter walked in the night.

It was chilly and Sophie regretted not bringing a jacket.

"How far are we?" Sophie asked, directing the question to Pheonix.

"Uh about five minutes," Pheonix replied, looking at the directions on her phone.

Sophie nodded and continued to walk and out of nowhere she ran right into a low tree branch. The impact caused her to stagger back, causing Pheonix and Carter to burst into laughter.

Sophie put a hand to her pained forehead as she glared at them. "Shut up!"

"Sophie, how do you run into a tree branch?!" Pheonix asked, cracking up.

Sophie felt her cheeks heat up. "It's because it's dark out!" She defended.

"Nah, only Sophie would be this clumsy," Carter joked.

Sophie snapped her head around to face him and shoved him as she exclaimed, "Ugh shut up!"

That only made Carter laugh even more which then turned into a shoving match between Sophie and Carter.

"Easy there lovebirds, don't make me feel like a third wheel," Pheonix commented, rolling her eyes.

"Be quiet," Sophie snapped as she felt her cheeks flame even more at the name "lovebirds."

Pheonix snickered and Sophie was afraid to turn and see Carter's reaction.

Luckily, she didn't have to worry about the sudden awkwardness since she could see the bank up ahead.

"We're here," Pheonix confirmed as they approached the entrance.

"How are we getting in?" Carter asked.

"Leave it to the expert," Pheonix said as she pulled out a special key and unlocked the front door.

"I disabled the alarms and cameras for a few minutes so we have to act quickly," Pheonix explained as they slowly walked in the dark bank. "And be careful not to step into any laser beams that could trigger any extra alarms," she added.

Sophie and Carter nodded as they slowly made their way across the front area towards the back.

Sophie felt a bit nervous because she felt she would mess this up somehow. She really hoped she didn't because it would definitely not look good to Mai.

She could do this, she told herself.

Though the tree branch could say otherwise.

Eventually, they made it to the back and there was another locked door. It was the safe where they kept all the money and gold that was behind it.

"Step back," Pheonix warned as she placed another gadget on the safe door.

They all stepped back as the gadget hissed and beeped, followed by a loud click that shook the place while opening the door.

They slowly made it in and turned on the lights to find rows and rows of cash, coins, gold, and silver.

"Woah," Sophie gasped under her breath. It was all worth so much and here they were only inches away from it all.

"We don't have time to take everything so just take as much as you can hold. And hurry, because we only have about two minutes left," Pheonix warned as she started stuffing her pockets with cash.

"Well this is gonna be fun," Carter exclaimed as he ran across the room and stuffed gold coins in his pockets.

Sophie smiled and started to grab a few piles of hundred dollar bills. She felt so much power but she had a small feeling in her stomach that was telling her that this wasn't right.

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