Chapter 36 ~ Ruined

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Hi rats! I know this is random lol but I want to start asking a question at the beginning of every chapter. Just to interact more with you guys and to get to know you better!

So first question: If you could have one wish, what would it be?

Now onto the chapter! Lol

Keefe's P.O.V

Keefe's heart still pounded as the audience started to file out of the theatre. It had been so long since he had been able to sing opera.

It felt so good. It was a way Keefe was able to pour out and cope with his emotions. It kept him distracted from all the problems in his life.

He had almost forgotten what it felt like to perform for so many people end for them to actually like it.

But he still felt sadness in his heart, knowing Sophie wasn't here to see him. She had always been supportive with his opera career and for her not to be here at one of the most important performances of his life was just heartbreaking.

Keefe hadn't realized how long he had been standing there alone on stage until he looked up and saw that the seats were practically all empty.

Just when he was about to go backstage to start grabbing his things, someone called up, "Mr. Keefe Sencen?"

Keefe looked up to see the man that had called his name was in a suit, approaching him and followed by a woman.

"Yes?" Keefe replied, confused.

The man smiled and reached out his hand and Keefe shook it. "I'm Trevor Worth and this is my assistant Clara Freeman," he introduced, gesturing to the woman beside him.

"Nice to meet you," Keefe replied, smiling, still confused.

"Your boss should have informed you about our presence here. We were told to judge if you should be signed or not," Trevor explained.

"Oh!" Keefe gasped, quickly adjusting his suit. He had been so into his performance that he had forgotten that he had people watching out to sign him.

"Well, after tonight's performance, we see you have some talent. We'd be honored to be the first to sign you," Trevor continued.

Keefe gasped again and forced himself not to smiled and to remain serious.


"Th-thank you sir! I'm honored," Keefe stuttered, not believing this.

"Here's our business card," Clara said, hand over a small slip of paper.

"Yes, call within a month and we can talk more about this contract," Trevor added.

"Yes, will do! Thank you so much!" Keefe thanked, shaking the man's hand again.

"Looking forward to it, great work," Trevor concluded, then walking away with Clara.

Keefe watched them leave and gaped.

Did that really just happen?!

Keefe felt so much excitement. This was a huge opportunity for him. He let his mind wander to what the future could look like. Keefe traveling to several different countries to perform, the fame, and—

No...that couldn't happen.

Keefe felt his smile falter as he realized he couldn't sign this contract. He still had to save Sophie from the Neverseen.

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