Chapter 27 ~ Locked Out

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Biana's P.O.V

"Okay, Mr. Forkle make sure you rest well. You should get some sleep now," Linh said, helping Mr. Forkle to his room.

He smiled at her but cringed in pain. "Don't worry Linh, I will."

He then looked back at the rest of the group and said, "now you kids don't get into any trouble while I rest alright?"

Everyone nodded but Biana made eye contact with Keefe and she knew that they would do the opposite.

He made a gesture towards Tam and winked at Biana. Strangely, Biana felt herself have a weird feeling but she played it off by smirking back.

Fitz noticed and caught on and smiled mischievously too.

Her, Keefe, and Fitz had been planning for a way to bust Tam. They would try it tonight, they just needed to have Linh on board.

And with Forkle resting, he wouldn't know what was happening at all. But they had to make sure they wouldn't cause too much trouble because once Mr. Forkle recovers, they needed to get out of this hotel as fast as they could since the Neverseen obviously knew they are staying here since they called them.

Once, Mr. Forkle shut his room door, Biana casually made her way over to Linh.

"Hey Linh," Biana greeted.

"Oh hi Bi," Linh responded.

" the others and I were thinking," Biana started. She then looked around to make sure Tam wasn't nearby before she added, "we have a plan to get Tam's secret out of him."

Linh's eyebrows rose. "You do?"

"Yeah, we're hoping it will work. The thing is, we need your help," Biana continued.

"Alright, what do I need to do?" Linh asked.

"Well you see the balcony there," Biana said, pointing to the screen doors that opened to an outer part of their room that was outside. "We need you to go out there and pretend you are hurt. Call for Tam and have him come to help you."

"Okay, and why are we doing that?" Linh asked, looking confused.

"Well, once he comes, we need you to quickly run out and trap him outside," Biana concluded.

"TRAP HIM?!" Linh shrieked.

"Shhh! Yes, Linh! It's the only way! We can make him confess if we threaten to keep him out there," Biana explained.

Linh looked down. "I don't know...this seems a bit cruel to me. Maybe this is a secret he really needs to keep to himself. I don't think it's right if we invade his privacy."

Biana had a feeling this was how it would go, since Linh isn't the type to get her hands dirty.

"But Linh! Obviously this secret of his is holding him back from many things and we know he is in trouble! We need to find out because otherwise we won't ever know!" Biana argued.

"I don't know," Linh mumbled.

"Please Linh! You care for your brother right? Well, if you want to make sure he is safe, we need to figure out what he's holding back!" Biana reasoned.

Linh thought about it for a few seconds and finally said, "alright...I'll do it. But we better not hurt him."

"Thank you so much!" Biana thanked, hugging Linh tight.

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