Chapter 25 ~ Invading

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I just want to thank you all for letting me take a break. You guys are amazing and I'm so grateful!

Anyways, here's the next chapter!

Marella's P.O.V

"Hurry Dex! We don't have much time," Marella exclaimed to Dex.

"Hold on!" Dex said, trying to grab all the things the janitor had given him to clean the rooms he assigned.

"I told Wylie we were just going to go to the cafe to get an evening snack. If we're gone too long, he'll get suspicious," Marella explained.

"What are we even doing?!" Dex asked.

"Alright, so you know that Neverseen guy that has been chasing us? Well, he's here. He's staying at this hotel," Marella said.

"Wait— HERE?!" Dex exclaimed, snapping his head around.

"SHHH!" Marella hissed.

"Well we have to get out of here! Let's tell Edaline and Grady," Dex exclaimed.

"No!" Marella exclaimed, grabbing Dex's arm before he could run off. "I want to find out what that guy is doing here in the first place."

"By doing...?" Dex asked.

"By sneaking into his room," Marella said, crossing her arms.

"What?! Are you crazy?!" Dex shrieked.

"Maybe," Marella replied.

"Do you even know his room number?"

"Room 517."

"Do you even know how to get in?!"

"With the keys that the janitor gave you," Marella said, snatching them from Dex's hand.

"Give those back," Dex said, trying to take them from her hands.

"No, I'm going to go searching in this guy's room. You can come or leave now," Marella stated.

"But it might not be safe. Why don't we tell Grady and Edaline or maybe Wylie?" Dex asked, gulping.

"No way! They'll never let us," Marella said.

"Because it isn't safe!" Dex argued.

"Do you want answers or not?" Marella questioned.

Dex stood there for a few seconds, looking like he was debating with himself before he said, "fine! But that janitor guy is going to kill me if I don't finish these rooms."

"Forget about him, he's the least of our problems," Marella said. "C'mon, let's just go. We already have been taking too much time. Wylie will start to come looking for us."

With that, they made their way to floor five with their janitor things and started to search for room 517.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Dex mumbled, shaky beside Marella as he pushed the janitor cart.

Before Marella could reply, they heard a loud bark come from behind them.
They jumped and quickly spun around.

"Stowy?!" Marella exclaimed, relieved.

Stowy happily ran towards them and started to lick Marella. "I thought I left you back at our room!" Marella said, confused.

"He must have followed us because he knew you were up to know good," Dex said, glaring at Marella.

"Dex if you keep this up, I'll report you to the janitor guy," Marella threatened, picking up Stowy.

"Wait— please no!" Dex begged, his eyes widening.

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