Chapter 39 ~ Warning

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Biana's P.O.V

Everyone was quiet, sitting in the breakfast area of the hotel with the buzzing of other guests around them. It had been a couple weeks since Mr. Forkle's group had moved from San Diego to Tennessee right after Keefe's performance. They decided it was best not to stay at the same place as Grady's group so they could cover more ground and not all be in the same place if the Neverseen were to come.

Ever since they moved the search to Tennessee, it's been endless searching.

And still no luck— not even any clues or leads.

They were losing motivation as the days passed. Both groups were getting tired.

Biana and Tam especially had been feuding a lot lately.

Tam burned holes through some of Biana's outfits which obviously was an act that signed his death sentence. She had got him back by dumping a bucket of hot water all over him in the middle of the night.

The crew kept warning and reminding them that they should be focusing but they all knew it wouldn't make a difference.

"These pancakes are delicious!" Linh exclaimed, already finishing her plate.

Biana could tell she was just trying to lighten the mood but it wasn't really working.

"Attention," Mr. Forkle called, causing everyone to look at him. "I got a call from Foxfire...they're opening back up."

"They are?!" Everyone exclaimed, getting up.

"You kids really know how to keep things low key," Mr. Forkle said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "Please sit back down!"

"Well what are we going to do?" Fitz asked, asking the same question everyone else was thinking.

"We go back home to go back to school, duh," Tam said, getting back up.

"What, and just throw away this whole search?" Keefe asked, getting up too and glaring at Tam.

"Yeah, we've come this far, we can't give up," Biana agreed, standing up with Keefe. Keefe glanced at her with a thankful look.

"Yeah, and it's been a waste of time! We haven't accomplished anything! Let's face it, we aren't capable of finding the Neverseen or even saving Sophie!" Tam argued.

"What, and never see Sophie again?!" Keefe questioned.

"C'mon, I can't be the only one here who knows that we aren't getting any closer," Tam said, crossing his arms and looking around.

There were mumbles around the table and Fitz stood up, "I think I may agree with Tam."

"Really man?!" Keefe exclaimed, looking at Fitz in betrayal.

"Keefe, we have college to get back to! We can't just throw our lives away for this hopeless mission!" Fitz defended.

"It's worth it if it's for Sophie! Grady and Edaline would agree too!" Keefe exclaimed, slamming his hand down.

"It's because they already finished school and have their paths already finished! I'm at the point in my life where I am finally doing real changes for my life!" Fitz yelled.

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