Chapter 52 ~ Creepy

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Sophie's P.O.V

Sophie stood there for a long time, in shock. She even slapped herself a few times to check if she was dreaming or not.

She couldn't believe that she had just seen Keefe himself— and not only that!


It was all so confusing and such a shock, yet it was all making sense.

The reason why "Carter" tried kissing her in the cave or the many other moments they had.

She had so much more to say to Keefe but he had left too soon. She wasn't even sure if she could even form any words at the moment.

She wasn't sure when she would see him again, but he promised to come back to save her. She didn't know how but she hoped he knew what he was doing.

For all the risk and sacrifice Keefe had made for her, it had to be worth it.

Sophie knew she would just have to be patient and to continue to play along until Keefe's plan came into place.

Suddenly, there were loud footsteps coming towards Sophie's door and in a few seconds, Mai barged in.

Sophie jumped and backed up when she came raging in, looking like a mess.

"WHERE'S CARTER?!" Mai yelled.

Sophie's eyes widened as she put her hands up. "I'm not sure— what's going on?" She asked, lying.


"Okay..." Sophie mumbled, taking another step back.

"It's not you— you wouldn't dare!" Mai said, her hands running through her hair. "BUT! WHEN I GOT TO CARTER, HE WAS GONE!" She continued.

"Gone?" Sophie asked, trying to muster some acting skills. It made sense that Carter wouldn't be anywhere since it was Keefe and Keefe was gone.

Mai then spun around and narrowed her eyes. "YOU! Don't you dare act like you have no part in this!"

"Huh? Me?!" Sophie squeaked.

Mai then stomped towards Sophie and stuck her sharp and boney finger right in Sophie's face. "Don't act all innocent! I know you know where he is!"

"I swear— I don't know!" Sophie begged.

"You're awful at lying! Right when I excused you all to go to your rooms so I could question you all, I saw you rush over to Carter! YOU know where he went!" Mai raged.

Crap...Keefe didn't tell Sophie how she would explain this one.

"Look...I came up to him to ask if he knew anything but he seemed to be in a weird mood so I left him right after and haven't seen him since," Sophie lied.

Mai stood there, her terrifying eyes glaring down at Sophie for a few seconds. "Well, I suppose you could be telling the truth," she said, backing off. Sophie let out a relieved breath.

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