Chapter 22 ~ Official

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Sophie's P.O.V

Sophie nervously followed Jay down a dark and narrow hallway.

It would be moments from now when things would be made official and Sophie would become a real Neverseen member.

Well, to her it would be temporary.

She hoped...

She got chills and felt fear rise in her as she remembered all that these people had done to her.

They burned her parents to their deaths, kidnapped her friends and family, killed her boyfriend, injured her friends so many times...

There was no way Sophie could be like them. She would never let herself.


Jay noticed Sophie's fear and leaned down and whispered, "don't be scared. It will be over soon."

Sophie nodded and gulped as they reached a large metal door at the end of the hall.

Jay then made her way over and typed in a password and suddenly the door hissed open with smoke coming out.

Sophie looked and it was pitch black inside.

Jay gestured for her to go inside.

"You want me to go alone? In the dark?" Sophie asked.

"The darkness is the least of your worries," Jay said.

Sophie looked back and reluctantly stepped through the large doorway.

Before Sophie could change her mind and run out of there, Jay slammed the door shut behind her.

Sophie jumped, the sound of her feet hitting the ground echoed around the dark room.

Sophie wished she was back at Target stealing candy now.

"H-Hello?" Sophie squeaked, putting her hands in front of her as she took slow steps.

She was scared she would run into something— or someone.

Sophie froze him place when she was sure she heard some heavy breaths.

"Who's there?!" Sophie asked.

For a split second, nothing happened. But all of a sudden, seven spotlights lit up in the room, revealing seven dark figures with hoods over their heads. In their hands they each held sharp spears.

In unison, they all lifted their heads and brought down their hoods.

Sophie recognized it was Mai, Quan, Zach, Pheonix, Carter, Ace, and Hunter.

"EMALF!" Mai shouted, lifting her spear in the air.

"EMALF!" Everyone then shouted after her, repeating her action.

Then huge bright flames lit up and surrounded the room, causing Sophie to jump.

"Well this is a bit dramatic," Sophie mumbled under her breath.

Sophie tried to make eye contact with one of them but they were all looking straight ahead.

Suddenly, Ace took several steps forward and met Sophie near the center of the room.

He lifted his spear and hit it against the ground, causing a round podium to rise in between Ace and Sophie that had a black book resting on it.

"Sophie Foster," Ace spoke, looking right at Sophie now and giving her chills.

"Y-Yes?" Sophie squeaked, trying so hard to look tough but failing.

"What is the meaning of your presence here today?" Ace asked.

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