After You Finish

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I want to state why it took me an eternity and a half to write this book lol. I had serious writer's block and didn't know how I wanted to progress the story. I had an end goal (Kennedy battling Lilitu), but I didn't know how I wanted to get there. Obviously, I knew Kennedy had to train and build up her strength, but what else?

I then wanted to flesh out the angels a bit more. I wanted to do it a little different and not just do an information dump, so I had Ken interact with them on a personal level. Even if she wasn't really interacting with them 1 on 1, she would witness their antics.

It was also a struggle to keep the book in Kennedy's fashion. I wasn't sure if I fleshed her out the way I truly desired in the first book. Because of that, I wanted to mold her in the way I pictured her. That being said, I didn't want her personality to be incredibly different from the first book. I also ran into a similar problem with Nyx. She was more laidback in the first book, but comes off as a stickler in this book. The reason for that is because she's adamant about being ready to defeat Lilitu.

It was kind of funny that the characters were all hostile when meeting each other. I did it as a juxtaposition to the quintessential angel. Angels are depicted as good and loving, but I thought that was too plain. I wanted them to have a personality, whether they're cheerful or grumpy. That's why I had the most fun with Amara and Haze (the creepy angels). For me, it was nice to see the three blend together (Ken, Zena, and Kiki) and slowly become friends rather than them becoming instant friends.

Kikimora was a later addition to the story that I didn't see coming. It was also towing a fine line between her being too much like Lara. I didn't want the little devil to be a carbon copy of our favorite vampire. I wanted her to be a little different, but still similar. Unlike Lara, she doesn't hoe herself out (even though she's a devil). She's a temptress, but doesn't have the desire to sleep with every person she sees.

I came up with her character because of the romantic interest I wanted her to have. Spoiler alert: it's a girl *big gasp*. Here's a surprise that you may have not seen coming, her romantic interest is gonna have some disabilities. I wanted a disabled heroine because that's not a common thing to see in novels, so I thought some visibility would be warranted. So yep, Kikimora only exists because I wanted to write about a disabled main character.

Kikimora's personality was made to be a dichotomy between Ken's. I wanted Ken to be ambitious and hardworking while Kiki is depicted hella lazy (she's really not, but wants to annoy Ken lolz). I enjoyed them butting heads and arguing while Zena is just in the background. I wanted a trio where there's the self proclaimed leader (Ken), the one who would rather be anywhere else (Kiki), and the diffuser (Zena).

I really enjoyed concluding this series and I hope you guys liked the ending. Thanks for reading along and supporting me. If you're interested, keep an eye out for Kiki's book. It'll be vastly different from the other two characters. The heroine will be... no spoilers, but she'll be the exact opposite of Kiki.

Thanks again!

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