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"Well, what did she say?" I heard Hailey whisper.

"She didn't say anything yet... she was so distraught that she fell asleep." Yuna whispered back. "What did Nyx say?" I stiffened in her arms.

"That she's confused and- Ken." I opened my eyes to look at Hailey. "Are you alright?" She sat next to me.

"No." I breathed out.

"What happened?" Yuna rubbed my back.


"Ken." We looked at the door to see my mother. "What happened?" She then motioned for my friends to leave. "You froze the park. Since when do you have ice powers?" She held my hands.

"A while now." I looked down.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She sounded hurt.

"I wanted to have it under control before I told you." I whispered. "I froze Zeli and killed-"

"Zeli is unfrozen and the other man... it was an accident." She rubbed my arm.

"An accident where he died!" I scoffed. "He probably had a family... a wife and kids... and I took him away from them." I cried.

"Now, what led you to lose control?" She looked at me wearily. "Hailey and Zelina said you were frantic... what caused-"

"I don't want to talk about it." I mumbled and looked down.

"Unfortunately, you have to, my love." She tilted my chin up. "Word has spread and I have to know all the details so I can defend you to the council."

"I really am making your life much more complicated since my arrival." I sighed out. "Just have them lock me up-"

"No!" I jumped at my mom's voice. "You don't deserve imprisonment for an accidental death. Just tell me-"

"Your majesty." We turned to see Alex and Ellio at the door. "The council members have arrived and are awaiting your presence." Ellio said.

"And they specifically told us they don't want to wait." Alex muttered. "We did tell them they'd wait an eternity until the Queen is ready." Alex smirked.

"I see. Thank you." She smiled at her advisors. "I'll be on my way." They nodded and left. "I hope we can continue this conversation later." She kissed my head and then left.

The moment she left, Yuna entered. She told me that Hailey had to be in attendance for the meeting, so she couldn't be here. I smiled and told her it was fine. She was trying to get me to open up to her, but I was still closed off. I was too embarrassed to tell my best friend what happened. It was also way too painful to be under the same roof as Nyx and Eris. I needed a break from everything-

I quickly jumped up and walked out my room. Yuna was confused, so she followed me. She kept asking where we were going, but I stayed silent the entire walk to the library. I was shocked my mom wasn't in there. It's been a few hours, so the meeting should've ended by now. I was also surprised to see Amara, Zeli, and Ash in the room with Ajax. They all stopped speaking to look at me.

I asked Ajax where my mom was. He answered that she had to make a sudden departure to a distant village. He claimed that there had been an impromptu diplomat from the yakuza or dragon clan. I was then confused why Ajax appeared to be leaving. He said that there had been a potential border failure on the opposite side of the realm. He had to leave to check it out.

"I'm sorry, but we need to get going." Ajax and the group were about to leave, but I blocked him.

"I'm going back to the human realm." I stated.

"Kennedy, I don't have time for this." He tried to move around me, but I kept blocking his path. "I'm serious. I must leave at once."

"I'm leaving and that's final. You should be grateful that I'm giving you a heads up." I sassily said.

"More like you want me to round up your security detail for you." I blushed and looked away. "I don't know what overcame you to the point you want to leave, but can you please delay it until I or the Queen returns." Again, he tried to leave, but I blocked him. "Kennedy." He was becoming annoyed.

"Whether you like it or not, I'm leaving. Now, you can either do your job and get me security or I'll leave once you're gone." He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Fine." He glared at me. "Wait here while I find some people." He turned to the group.

"You really want me in the same room as the bitch that froze me?" Zeli crossed her arms.

"Yep and I'll do it again." I swirled the ice magic in my hand while threatening Zeli.

"Is it just me or does she have an attitude problem?" Amara wondered.

"Really? You're the one saying I have an attitude problem?!" I turned to her.

"That's how you know it's really bad." Ash commented.

"I don't have time for this." Ajax interrupted us. "You three and Yuna join her. I have to go."

"WHAT?!" We all exclaimed.

"Kennedy, if you want to leave then you need protection. They'll be your four guards. Yuna, you're in charge. Figure it out." He then quickly left the room.

I gulped and turned to see three pairs of eyes glaring at me. Well, shit. I thought I'd be able to choose who came with me. Now, I'm stuck with three people who can't stand my guts. I turned to Yuna, who'd gave me a comforting smile. This is gonna be a long day.


I had to endure the three grumbling the entire walk to the gates. Yuna had delayed our departure since she had to write a note for Hailey. They asked if I wanted to speak to Nyx before I left, but I said hell no and pushed them towards the exit. The gatekeepers smiled and waved as we left the realm.

Yuna and I were in front while the three emos were behind us. I overheard them complain about how they were supposed to fight the monsters by the border... not babysit me. I rolled my eyes since I didn't need babysitting. In actuality, I was hoping that I'd just have Yuna and maybe Cal join me. Only Ajax would stick me with three angels who wouldn't mind me being dead.

We finally arrived at my house. I looked under the potted plant for the spare key and opened the door. I entered to see my dad watching the football game while drinking beer. He turned at the noise and smiled when he saw me. He stumbled getting up to hug me. I laughed when he fell out of the recliner.

"Ken!" He swept me up in a bear hug. "How are you?" He smiled.

"Could be better, dad." I sighed.

"What's wrong? And they aren't your regular detail." He observed Ash, Amara, and Zeli.

"Ajax wanted a change." Yuna smiled and hugged my dad. "It's good to see that you're doing alright."

"I'm difficult to harm." He laughed. "Well, I guess you should get some sleep since it's pretty late." I saw the time and nodded. "As for your friends..."

"We'll circle the perimeter." Amara announced. Zeli and Ash nodded and left the house.

"Guess I'll be cuddling Yuna." We laughed and went to my room.

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