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It felt like we were in an apocalypse. Everyone was moving incredibly slow, so it was no issue to casually fly in the sky. We landed at my house, but Zeli wasn't there. Ash then mentioned she'd be protecting my father, so we had to find my dad. I knew he'd be at a construction site across town.

Ash launched into the air, forcing me to follow him. We quickly flew to the construction site to see the workers moving in slow motion. We landed and walked inside the trailer. Some men were working while others were subtly stealing glances at an unbothered Zeli.

Zeli had her legs crossed as she flipped through a magazine. Her black skirt was really short and offered a lot to the imagination. I shook my head and followed Ash inside.

"You have to touch her." I looked at him weirdly. "You have the power to break anyone from this disoriented state by touching them... that's why I forced myself to give off the feelings of a helpless kid. I needed you to touch me to free me." He glanced at me. "Now, free her." He motioned at Zeli.

I took a deep breath and slowly touched her. She went back to flipping the page at a normal speed. Ash and I continued watching her since she seemed oblivious to our appearances. She must've finally felt our auras because she confusingly turned her head at us. She arched a brow and was about to speak, but stopped when she noticed her surroundings. She placed her magazine down and stood up.

"What the hell happened?" She walked over to some men and waved her hand in front of their faces. "Ash?" She looked at him expectantly.

"Kennedy slowed time." He stated while I swatted his arm.

"Did she now?" Zeli raised a perfectly sculpted brow.

"Not on purpose! I don't know how to make it go back to normal!"

"Zeli, can you mimic her power and fix everything?" Ash approached her.

"I suppose." Zeli exaggeratedly said and sat on a desk. "But I want something in return Ashy-bear." She smirked while he rolled his eyes.

"The hell you want?" His tone was sharp.

"You're Kabutowari." She smirked.

"Can we just make this the new normal?" Ash turned to me. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head. "Fine." Zeli did a victory dance before jumping off the desk.

"We should probably leave here, so that the workers aren't confused by your sudden appearance." I nodded and followed Zeli outside.

We walked until we were by the gate. Zeli touched my arm which caused her eyes to glow orange. I flinched at seeing this side of her. She then turned to the construction site. I watched as Zeli held both hands up and relaxed her shoulders. The people began to walk at a normal pace. How'd she easily do that?

"Practice." She answered my unasked question. "This isn't the first time I've done that. Now, we should get you home. I'm sure Yuna and Amara are panicking about your whereabouts."

I allowed Ash and Zeli to guide me to a remote area. We then launched into the sky and flew home. It was annoying because we had to wait until my neighbors were preoccupied before we could descend. My dad is gonna freak when he gets home. I don't think I've told him about any of my powers. First, ice and now slowing time... and Ash thinks that I someday can freeze time.

Like Zeli said, Yuna and Amara darted through the front door. Yuna sighed in relief and wrapped me in a tight hug. I smiled and hugged her back just as tight.

"What happened?" She held my arms. "You were there one second and the next... you disappeared. I couldn't feel your aura at school and I feared-"

"She slowed time." Zeli interrupted Yuna.

Her Demonic AllureWhere stories live. Discover now