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Third Person POV


Lilitu remained stoned face as she observed the army below her. They raised their weapons in support of the regime. Lilitu's eyes flitted over each and every member of the massive army she's acquired, but they still weren't enough. She wanted more, needed more, desired more souls to lay their lives down for hers.

She observed the generals riling up the soldiers and encouraging them to recruit more and more. The soldiers were cheering and sneering at the thought of ripping her sister's army apart. They were itching to fight, but they must show restraint... momentarily.

Adira had cut off all connection to her realm. She even went as far to rearrange every realm's barrier and connection to each other. Because of this, Lilitu couldn't simply march her army into the light realm. The next option would be a portal, but Adira's calvary had destroyed it in their last raid to the dark realm. Lilitu had ordered for the device to be fixed, but Adira laced it with magic, making it virtually useless. So now Lilitu must wait and wallow in her realm until the perfect opportunity arises. That's fine though, she'll silently build up her army without her sister's knowledge.

Lilitu departed from the energetic crowd and entered the interior of her lavish castle. The servants and guards kneeled as she passed them. Their heads were lowered in respect to their Queen. Other guards soon flanked her side and surrounded her in a square format. She was escorted to the war planning room, where her generals were awaiting her presence.

They stood and waited for the Queen to sit at the head. They then followed her example and sat down. Lilitu was being briefed on the new demons that had been forced to enter the army. She smiled since her plan was coming along well. Not long ago, Lilitu had ordered for the acquisition of all demons to be brought to her realm. Her decree also included the demons located in Hel, under Lucifer's control.

She cared little for him and his authority. Lilitu planned on beheading the man after she defeated her sister in the upcoming battle. Lilitu's features suddenly hardened and she slammed her hand hard on the oak table. It splintered under her force, silencing the other people in the room.

The memories of Adira's daughter frolicking in her domain infuriated her. She had caught the sheer power of her beloved Nyx's aura. When she had picked up the aura, she immediately flew to be reunited with her lover, but her niece took the dark angel from her. Lilitu was so close, but Nyx and Calista had managed to escape right before her hand clasped around Nyx's neck. The only thing she has as a reminder is a few strands of Nyx's hair.

(Light smut)

She brought the strands up to her nose and breathed in the intoxicating scent. She moaned and a haunting smile graced her lips. The members gulped watching the scene before them. The members began to feel uncomfortable when their Queen began touching herself while retaining a tight grip on the hair. Their Queen pleasured herself while moaning out the name of her lost lover.

Lilitu needed more. Her fingers weren't enough since she needs a foreign entity in her. She opened her eyes and turned to the closest man in the room. She beckoned him forward, causing him to gulp, but comply. Lilitu shocked everyone by revealing a dagger and mutilating the guy's appendage. He screamed out while she held his penis in her hand. She then moaned out Nyx's name while pleasuring herself with the new toy. Her guards took care of murdering the man and disposing of his body.

When Lilitu came a few times, she decided to get back to business. She locked eyes with the people in the room, who quickly began discussing their ideas. They reminded her about the leader of the dark elves meeting her. She nodded and motioned for them to inform her about any new updates on her army.

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