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As we were walking to the council room, I was bitching to Alex and Roman. I wouldn't be surprised if their ears fell off from the amount of complaining I was doing.

Alex told me that Eris was actually a princess. My first reason for why Eris shouldn't be allowed was for that exact reason, but Alex told me Eris wasn't the heir and posed no real possibility to the crown. I then suggested that maybe fairies shouldn't be allowed on the board. Alex just gave me a "really" look to which I averted my eyes. I then explained that she wouldn't be tactfully good and couldn't help in a fight (as if that was a requirement to be on the board). Alex broke my confidence by telling me that Eris was a master at magic.

I was about to ask what she looked like, but struggled to breathe when I saw her. She literally looked like a model. Her frame was slim, but not too slim since her curves were visible through her long dress. Her platinum blond hair fell close to her butt. Her forest green eyes crinkled in delight upon seeing us. I inwardly cursed when her ruby red lips pulled back into a breathtaking smile. How are her teeth so white that they're almost blinding?!

 How are her teeth so white that they're almost blinding?!

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"Nyx." Her English accent made me want to burn her alive. I could feel my hands become colder as I thought about all the ways I could skin her alive.

"Eris." Nyx greeted back with a tight smile. "Shall we?"

The bitch wrapped her arms around Nyx and prodded Nyx into escorting her inside. I was seething mad to the point Hailey nearly gave herself a migraine trying to calm me down.

What severely pissed me off was that the council didn't put up much of a fight. They were too distracted by Eris' beauty to comment on her position as an advisor. They loved her so much and praised Ajax for his "wonderful" suggestion. So you're telling me that they are so hostile towards me while they were enthralled by that damn, bitch ass, shitty-

I turned when I felt a hand on my arm. Hailey was giving me a very concerned look. I squinted my eyes at Eris in response. Hailey just sighed and continued to try and calm my erratic emotions. My emotions were all over the place because I didn't know how to feel about Nyx. Based on her comments to Hailey, I could only assume that she was seeing other people while we were... no, we aren't together together. We never explicitly stated that and Nyx doesn't do relationships. Am I just a game to her or something?!

I know she claimed we were mates, but would that really keep her from straying? I felt myself get sadder the longer I stared at the scene. Eris would constantly fling herself at Nyx as she laughed at whatever lame joke the council members said. Nyx would either appear annoyed when looking at Eris or worried when looking at me. I decided to avoid her eyes and focus on other interesting things... like the painted wall.

Please talk to me. I can feel that you're angry.

I harshly glared at her and told her to stay the hell out of my head. She looked defeated, like I had just kicked a wounded puppy. My heart hurt knowing that I saddened her, but I was pissed and slightly insecure. Well, maybe more than just slightly.

The meeting wrapped up with the member practically worshipping the fairy elf. Stupid fairy elves and their stupid good looks! Eris regally waved goodbye as they left the room with my mother.

"Nyx! How are you, my love? If you were with me, then you could be a royal angel once again." She sighed. "Are you still with that uptight angel?" She looked at Hailey.

"Nope, she is not." I stated, before Hailey had the chance to respond. "And I suggest you release your hold on her arm before I send you straight to hell!"

"What happened to hospitality? Did it go out the door upon your arrival?"

"Why you-"

"I think we should take a break for the day. Reconvene later." Hailey grabbed my arm and dragged me to my room. I redirected our path to the equipment because I really needed to hit something. I imagined Eris' face as the punching bag and delivered some serious blows.

"Guess I was wrong about her mischievous nature." Hailey and I turned to see Ajax. "Sorry." He apologized. I just nodded and turned back to hitting the bag. "She'll be here to talk to you. She just can't appear rude and needs to pass Eris off to-"

"Roman... who was pissed by the way." Nyx grinned at her brother. "May I get some privacy please?" She directed the last part to Hailey, who looked like she was about to blow Nyx up. Ajax saw the tension and gently took Hailey's hand and guided her away.

I ignored Nyx's presence and continued hitting the bag. She poked me and I attempted to swing at her, but she just skirted out the way. I had fire in my eyes as I stared her down. Nyx's expression changed to guilt.

"Can we please talk?" She used her foot to play with the dirt. "I don't like it when you get angry and shut me out." She mumbled.

"Oh, want to talk? How about we start with your past? Huh? You've cheated. What's to stop you from doing it again? And don't you dare just say the mate bond!" I held my hand up to stop her from speaking. "You chose to bring the person you cheated with here. Why the hell would you do that? In fact, I don't know why I'm upset. We aren't dating or anything." I threw my hands up.

"What are you talking about?" Nyx swiftly grabbed my hands to bring them down. "Why would you say we aren't dating?"

"For one, you don't do relationships. And two, key words: define the relationship." I quoted her.

"That's- that doesn't apply to us." I gave her a "really" look. "Hailey and I have a toxic past where we love to hurt each other. She was hurt and I used the opportunity to make her feel worse. I'm sorry. It wasn't right. Yes, I admit to indiscretions in the past, but I've never disrespected you in that way. Believe me." She urged. "I know Eris wasn't the favored option, but we were running out of time for a replacement. Every reason I gave was from an outsider's opinion. She's mischievous in nature and strives off strife. Just don't play into her trap and you'll be fine."

"How am I supposed to trust you when the person you cheated with is staying under my roof?" Tears were lining my eyes. "She was rubbing up all over you!" I felt myself get angry. "And you were letting her!" I now felt my temperature fall. "She was giving you fuck me eyes!" I was now livid.

"C-cold! Cold! Cold!" Nyx whimpered and tried to release our hands, but I refused to let her go. "Ouch! You're hurting me, gorgeous." I faltered at the nickname and released her.

I gasped as I looked down and saw ice engulfing my, now, blue hands. I was shaking as I looked into her eyes. Her smile twisted into confusion from my expression.

"N-Nyx. I don't know what to do! Make it go away! Make it go away!" I screamed.

"Just calm down, Ken. It's okay." She carefully wrapped her hands around me and warmed my finger tips up. It didn't take long for my hands to return to their natural color and temperature. "That was wickedly cool by the way. Guess we can add ice powers to your abilities." She gave me a cheeky smile.

I whimpered when I glanced down at the frostbite burns I gave her. Nyx followed my line of sight and chuckled. She placed her fingers on my chin and tilted my head up. She lightly pecked my lips and pulled back with a smile.

"I wouldn't be opposed to saying that I deserved it for the emotional turmoil I put you through. Normally, I'd instantly heal if a weakling did that, but since you're so powerful..." She proudly grinned. "I have to get this treated. Want to visit Yugi with me?" She offered her arm to me. Even if I wanted to decline, I felt compelled to say yes since I hurt her. I simply nodded and took her arm. 

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