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So it wasn't hard to find a hermit witch who was willing to help us. Actually, she refused to help us, but Kikimora struck up a deal with her. Kikimora promised her immense fortune if she provided us a way home. The hermit lady nodded and allowed Kikimora to draw up a mystical contract. Kikimora had the hermit hand us her only pocket portal before fulfilling her end of the bargain.

Nyx held the portal while Kikimora snapped her fingers. We were shocked since nothing happened. The lady began yelling at Kikimora for tricking her, but Kikimora said she gave her immense fortune. Kikimora gifted her with eternal life and claimed that people believe that to be a fortune. The hermit lady was angry at being deceived. She tried to attack Kikimora, but Kikimora kicked her off the cliff. The lady was impaled by rocks and laid dead.

"What the hell?!" I yelled at her.

"It was self defense." Kikimora shrugged and motioned for Nyx to open the portal.

"You tricked her!"

"She didn't clarify what kind of fortune she wanted, so it was open for interpretation." Kikimora smirked.

Nyx rolled her eyes and opened the portal for us. We walked through and arrived back in the light realm. The portal disintegrated in Nyyx's hand. We headed straight towards the palace to find my mom. We walked into the study, shocking my mom and Ajax. My mom sped towards me and wrapped me in a tight hug. I chuckled and held her back. I felt Ajax's eyes narrow at the two new additions to our group. My mom sensed my nervous aura. She asked me what was troubling me.

I explained that we were heavily concerned since Zena and her friends didn't come back with us. I explained that there were two realms side by side at the barrier. Zena and her friends jumped through one while the rest of us landed in the witch's realm. I glossed over how we received a pocket portal and arrived here. Nyx shared her suspicions that Zena and her friends had either entered the vampire or wolf realm. Ajax responded by sending an informant to tell Lara.

I couldn't help, but feel worried about everything. I wanted to make sure my friend was okay, but I had no way of knowing for sure. I sighed and went to the training room to clear my mind. Nyx walked in to see me pummeling away. She sighed and rested her hands on my tense shoulders. I relaxed into her touch when she started to smooth out the tension in my shoulders.

"I'm scared something bad will happen to her." I opened up to my mate.

"She's tough. If anything, she'll be protecting the other two."

"What do we do?" I turned to Nyx.

"Train and wait for her to arrive." Nyx sighed. "Ajax has also requested your presence."


"Something your mom needs to tell you." She shrugged, signaling she had no idea what the conversation would entail. "It sounded urgent though."

"Okay." I sighed. "Where's Kikimora?"

"With them already and Nat is getting checked out by Yugi." Nyx held my hand and led me to the study.

I rolled my eyes at Kikimora sitting in my mother's chair. My mom didn't seem to care that Kikimora had kicked her feet up on the desk. This girl loves to vex me. Ajax walked over to us and scowled at Kikimora's disrespect. My mom approached me with a hug. I smiled back, but glared in Kikimora's direction.

"She's one of the main reasons I need to speak with you." My mother spoke. "The other reason is currently trapped in a different realm." I quirked a brow. "There's a prophecy about the three of you." Her words caught Kikimora and my attention. "Ajax."

Her Demonic AllureWhere stories live. Discover now