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I glanced around the empty space around us. I walked, but had no idea what I should be walking towards. This place just feels desolate. I turned to Nyx, but she was trying to find out how to escape this situation. It was no use since the barrier had shifted on us. I can't believe it just disappeared before us. How were we supposed to get home? We would have to find a portal or something.

Nyx and I silently came to a decision to just randomly walk around. The only bright side was that we were at least spending time together. I held her hand as we strolled through the place. Nyx informed me that we landed in Helvegen which was essentially a passageway between the Dark Realm and the Isle of Lost Souls.

I asked her to expand more on the latter realm. She explained that the Isle of Lost Souls was where demons who were outcasts or banned congregated. It was a dreary place where all hope was lost. I asked if she had been there before. She stated that her and her friends used to find targeted demons there. Many demons would hide there to try and throw assassins off.

"What do you think we should do?" I looked up at her.

"Best bet is to try and access the barrier in the Isle of Lost Souls since we are avoiding the Dark Realm. We don't want Lilitu to pick up your aura." I nodded and continued walking.

"It's disappointing to know that our friends aren't alarmed at our disappearance." I sighed.

"I wouldn't say that." I turned to her. "I had planned to meet up with Cal and Lilly later. Obviously, I won't be making that scheduled time, so they'll probably alert my brother. Now for them finding us... that's where you should feel a bit hopeless." She smirked.

"Ugh!" I groaned. "Why is Eris such a bitch?"

"You tell me, gorgeous." She kissed my cheek.

We chatted a bit as we walked. We quieted down when it started to get dark. We didn't want to alert demons of our presence since this realm was dangerous. As we passed through a cavern, Nyx and I felt the auras of some people around the corner. We immediately tensed and got ready to fight them off. I was a little confused since one of the auras felt familiar, but I couldn't place my finger on it. Nyx and my eyes widened when the person dashed around the corner.


"Zena?!" I laughed and gave her a hug.

"I thought we were the only ones here!" Zena seemed relieved to run into other people here.


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"You know her?" Nyx turned to me.

"How do you know her?" The blond next to Zena questioned her.

"We met in the light realm! How are you?" Zena ignored the blond and spoke to me.

Her Demonic AllureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora