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I slammed the front door closed and marched into the kitchen. I'm gonna eat away my frustrations. I heard the front door open again and Amara and Ash grumbling about my rudeness. I ignored them and grabbed the Oreos. I had to bring in the big guns to get me through this. I walked to the couch and flopped down while shoveling cookies into my mouth.

Yuna glanced at me and went to retrieve the Doritos and Cheetos for me. I thanked her and munched away on the junk food. Zeli arrived shortly after, claiming that my dad wanted to go out with his friends alone. Zeli didn't push the subject since she wanted to do anything besides her one job. She sat on the couch and kicked her feet onto Ash's lap.

"Are you alright, Kenny? You appear tense." Yuna sat next to me. I then heard the other three groan. "What?!" She snapped at them.

"Now we're gonna have to listen to her rant and rave about whatever is bothering her!" Zeli complained.

"I have to listen to her voice for hours everyday at that damn school... can we not ask her to speak even more?" Amara questioned.

"Can we just allow Lilitu to carve her heart out that petite chest of hers?" Ash spoke, causing Zeli to laugh.

"Did he simultaneously threaten to deliver me to my evil aunt as well as insult my chest size?" I turned to Yuna.

"We should just allow her to speak, so we can get it over with." Amara groaned.

"It's about Nyx." I sighed.

"Wow, such a shocker." Amara sarcastically commented.

"And here I was expecting to hear about our darling Eris." Zeli smirked.

"Yuna the Tuna can we leave her to her utter dismay now?" Yuna glared at Ash. "I guess not." He muttered.

"Could be her time of the month." Zeli fist bumped Ash.

"Alright, Ash the Ass." Everyone broke out laughing at my words except the man himself. "She claimed she was coming to get me." They nodded since they weren't surprised. "Also, she said the gates have been permanently shut." Their eyes widened. "Ya, so she has to use the portal since-"

"How'd they close?" Amara spoke up.

"Well, an-"

"Army of demons bypassed the border, so the Queen sealed the gates." I cursed at the familiar South African voice behind me. "It's dangerous since you can't easily flee to safety, so your mother is also requesting your return." I turned to glare at Nyx. "She's also pissed that you left without warning." I saw Nyx's eyes darken.

"I told Ajax!" I stood up.

"And he's in deep shit because of you." I gulped at her words. "Let's go." She grabbed my arm and began to drag me outside.

"No!" I shook myself free. "I refuse to go anywhere with you!"

"What's your problem? You apparently broke up with me and I want to know why." She demanded.

"I don't have to tell you shit." I seethed.

"Maybe you don't need to tell her anything, but maybe you should calm down because you're causing a scene." Zeli pointed at my nosey neighbors.

"Also, how dare you two go behind my back and smuggle her out the realm?!" Ash and Zeli withered under her gaze. "I'll deal with you two later." She then turned to Amara. "You... I'm not surprised." She shook her head while Amara smirked.

"They didn't even want to come! I forced them to join me, much to their reluctance." I stepped in front of Ash and Zeli. "You have a lot of misplaced anger." I pointed at her.

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