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"This is bullshit!" Ash complained for like the tenth time.

We were in Yuna's civic, driving to school. I had wanted to go back to my school, so three people had to accompany me. Zeli had immediately called dibs on guarding my dad, so Amara and Ash had been forced to join Yuna and me to school. The two were rightfully pissed, so Yuna and I ignored them. It was hard for them to argue since Yuna was in charge and she demanded two of them accompany us.

"You can keep complaining, but you will still be going." Yuna glared at him through the rear view mirror.

"I don't see why you need help since you had been guarding her for years by yourself." Amara commented. "Are you suddenly very weak?" She smirked.

"She's definitely getting the creepy History teacher." I schemed with Yuna. Amara rolled her eyes and went back to staring out the window.

"I hope Lilitu snatches you up, so we can go home." Ash commented.

"And he can get the bigoted religion teacher." Yuna nodded at me.

We pulled up to school, much to Ash and Amara's dismay. I quickly got out the car and went inside to find Sam and Logan. I saw them talking by a locker, so I ran and tackled Logan to the ground. Sam laughed and hugged me while Logan was groaning on the floor. Yuna arrived and assisted Logan to his feet.

"What are you doing here?" Sam was beyond excited.

"Long story." I forced a smile to my face.

"Amara! Hi!" Logan waved at the angel.

"Eww." She looked disgusted.

"And that's Ash." Yuna introduced him.

"Now, he should be a double eww." Sam and I giggled while Ash glared.

"I was able to grab your schedule." Yuna handed me a slip of paper. "We all have lunch together, but not all the same classes. One of us will be in your classes at all times." I smiled and read over the schedule.

"I don't know where to go." Amara held up her schedule.

"I'll show you!" Logan shoved Sam out the way to get to Amara. Amara rolled her eyes, but allowed for him to walk her to class.

"He's so whipped." Sam and I muttered.

"That's because they're more than likely mates." Yuna casually explained. Sam and my eyes widened. "What?"

"You can't just casually drop that!" Sam replied.

"I have no idea where to go, mortal." Ash addressed Sam.

"You can actually have manners when asking for directions." Ash simply stared through Sam. "You're rude." She then turned to Yuna. "You better not say he's my mate. I'd rather die alone."

"You wish I was." Ash then walked in the opposite direction.

Sam groaned and walked after him since he was going in the wrong direction. Yuna and I giggled before making it to class. We ignored my peer's curious stares. I wonder how long I've been gone in the human realm. That would be something if I had left for like a year. We sat in the back and absentmindedly listened to the lecture.

"How do you know Amara and Logan are mates?" I whispered.

"I know her and she's really soft towards him." I arched a brow because if that's Amara soft, I wouldn't want to see her completely disinterested. "Her and Haze are reserved in their affections, but she really does like Logan."

"She always looks like she wants to use her sai to decapitate him." I deadpanned.

"Yet she doesn't." Yuna forced a smile.

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