Chapter 12

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I'D SLEPT IN Genya's room for a few reasons. The first was because I was desperate for company, and there was no company better than Genya's. The second was because I wanted to spend a day not being a queen. I didn't know if I could take it if there was paperwork on my desk or oprichnik in the halls. The last was because I wanted to be as far away from the Darkling as I could be.

I had chosen him. I had voluntarily left Mal and walked back to the Grand Palace. And I couldn't get the Darkling's words out of my head. He had manipulated me. That was the beginning and end of our story. He wanted me for my powers and nothing else.

But the pain in his voice...


Genya stepped into the room, a large plate of waffles balanced on her hands.

"Where did you get those?" I asked with a laugh, helping her as we set the table.

"The kitchen tried—and failed—to hide these from me."

"Is David coming?" I asked, a small, secret smile playing at my lips.

Genya glared at me. "David,"she said, a hint of adoration mingling with her annoyance, "is working."

"That sounds about right."


There was a knock at the door, and I turned back to Genya. "Well, maybe David changed—"

The door swung open, and the Darkling stood on the other side.

Not David, then.

"What do you want?" Genya asked sharply. But I could feel his stare right on me, cool and sharp like a blade.

"I'd think twice before speaking to me that way, Genya." She flushed, as scarlet as her hair. "I'm here for Alina."

I set my fork down, my waffles abandoned. "You're deciding to speak to me now?"

The Darkling ran a hand through his perfectly parted hair. "Stop with the attitude, Alina. We have a meeting."

Of course. That was the only reason he needed me.

"I thought you were the King. Why do you need me?"

His stare was piercing. "Fine. Be that way for the next century."

I bit my lip. "Wh-what meeting?"

His eyes said, I told you so.

With a groan, I stood and looked sadly at Genya and the waffles I would never get to eat. "I'll be back afterward."

There was a sound from the Darkling as if he very much disagreed.

I started walking to the door when the Darkling stopped me with a raised hand. "Your kefta."

Oh. "About that..." The Darkling let out a low sigh. "It—needs a lot of cleaning, is all."

And right then and there, the Darkling unclasped his kefta, wearing only a black shirt underneath. "It'll be big on you, but that wouldn't have been a problem if you sent your kefta to the Fabrikators last night."

The Black Heretic or another Ana Kuya? I had yet to figure it out.

The Darkling stepped close to me and the air grew tighter, tense with our powers as he helped me slide my arms into the kefta and helped me with the buttons. Genya was looking between us, brows furrowed.

The kefta was big on me, but the Darkling was able to use the hidden buttons and clasps to tighten it so I at least didn't look like I was a little girl playing dress-up.

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